Wildflowers 1
White Pine Needles on Witch Hazel in the rain [Hamamelis virginiana].Dauphin County,Pa.10-26-20
White Pine Needles on Witch Hazel in the rain [Hamamelis virginiana].Dauphin County,Pa.10-26-20
White Pine Needles on Witch Hazel in the rain [Hamamelis virginiana].Dauphin County,Pa.10-26-20
Butterfly Weed in seed [Asclepias tuberosa].Schuylkill County,Pa.10-10-20
Witch Hazel buds just opening and their flowers unfurling [Hamamelis virginiana].Dauphin County,Pa.10-5-20.The more I see Witch Hazel the more I am fascinated by this beautiful plant.
Spotted Beebalm [Monarda punctata].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20
Honeybee on White snakeroot [Eupatorium rugosum].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Blue Stemmed Goldenrod [Solidago caesia].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Crooked -Stemmed Aster [Aster puniceus].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
White snakeroot [Eupatorium rugosum].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Late Purple Aster [Aster patens].Tioga County,Pa.9-16-20
Late Purple Aster [Aster patens].Tioga County,Pa.9-16-20
Bumblebee [Bombus] on Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Pink New England Aster [Symphyotrichum novae-angliae].Schuylkill County,Pa.9-19-20
Wild Raisin [Viburnum nudum also cassinoides].Schuylkill County,Pa.9-19-20.Birds are attracted to the fruit in winter when all the seeds are dark blue and shriveled,like a raisin
Virgin's Bower [Clematis virginiana] in fruit.Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Purple Coneflower [Echinacea purpurea].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Blue Mistflower [Conoclinium coelestinum].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
New England Aster [Symphyotrichum novae-angliae].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Blue Vervain [Verbena hastata].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Blue Vervain [Verbena hastata].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Indian Grass [Sorghastrum nutans] in bloom and on the breeze, on a beautiful summer's day.Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Indiangrass in bloom [Sorghastrum nutans].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata].Luzerne County,Pa.8-4-20
Cranberry flowers [Vaccinium macrocarpon].Luzerne County,Pa.8-4-20
Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata].Dauphin County,Pa.8-1-20
Tall Ironweed [Vernonia altissima].Dauphin County,Pa.7-30-20
Hoary Vervain [Verbena stricta].Dauphin County,Pa.7-15-20
Hoary Vervain [Verbena stricta].Dauphin County,Pa.7-15-20
Fly poison [Amianthium muscaetoxicum].Dauphin County,Pa.6-13-20
Fly poison [Amianthium muscaetoxicum].Dauphin County,Pa.6-13-20.The following is from the book "North American Wildflowers" from the National Audubon Society."This plant contains a very poisonous alkaloid that can kill livestock.Pulp from the crushed bulb,mixed with sugar is used to poison flies,hence the species name."
Mountain Laurel [Kalmia latifolia].Dauphin County,Pa.6-13-20
Pink Azalea,Wild Azalea [Rhododendron nudiflorum].Dauphin County,Pa.5-23-19
Golden Ragwort [Senecio aureus].Dauphin County.Pa.5-21-20
Pin Cherry [Prunus pensylvanica].Dauphin County,Pa.4-28-20
The beautiful seed heads of Bergamot Bee Balm [Monarda fistulosa].Dauphin County,Pa.2-9-20.They still smell wonderful!
Dried winter flowers,Daisy Fleabane [Erigeron strigosus].Dauphin County,Pa.2-8-20
Spotted Bee Balm seed head from last year.Still has that wonderful smell! [Monarda punctata].Dauphin County,Pa.2-8-20
Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima] in seed.Schuylkill County,Pa.11-10-19
Tall GoldenRod in seed [Solidago altissima].Schuylkill County,Pa.11-10-19
Virgin's Bower in seed [Clematis virginiana].Schuylkill County,Pa.11-10-19
Virgin's Bower in seed [Clematis virginiana].Schuylkill County,Pa.11-10-19
Witch Hazel Flowers [Hamamelis virginiana].Dauphin,County,Pa.10-15-19
Indian Grass [Sorghastrum nutans],in the late summer breeze.Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Indian Grass [Sorghastrum nutans] in flower.Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Indian Grass [Sorghastrum nutans] in flower.Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Spotted Beebalm [Monarda punctata].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
American Pennyroyal [Hedeoma pulegioides].Dauphin County,Pa.8-16-19
American Pennyroyal [Hedeoma pulegioides].Dauphin County,Pa.8-16-19
My favorite native plant,the tiny American Pennyroyal [Hedeoma pulegioides].Very aromatic and wonderful scent!I remember being with my grandpa when I was young we would collect the stalks while the leaves were still green and make bunches and hang them upside down in his dirt basement.When the plants would dry out we would strip the dried leaves into a paper bag.He would make a tea during the winter when you had a bad cold.It was a fine drink.Now a days it is not recommend that you drink it.Folks do use it as an insect repellent.It used to be fairly common in our area,but now with the spread of the choking Japanese stiltgrass it hard to find.Great memories!Dauphin County,Pa.8-16-19
Tiny beautiful flower of the carnivorous plant Round-leaved Sundew [Drosera Rotundifolia].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-26-19
Royal Catfly [Silene regia].My yard.Schuylkill County,Pa.7-15-19
Mountain Laurel [Kalmia latifolia].Dauphin County,Pa.6-7-19
Beautiful Fly Poison [Amianthium muscaetoxicum].Dauphin County,Pa.6-7-19."This plant contains a very poisonous alkaloid that can kill livestock.Pulp from a crushed bulb mixed with sugar in used to poison flies,hence the species name."
Pointed Blue-eyed Grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-19
Dwarf Ginseng [Panax trifolium].Montour County,Pa.4-25-19
Dwarf Ginseng [Panax trifolium].Montour County,Pa.4-25-19
Spring Beauty [Clayton virginica].Montour County,Pa.4-24-19
Virginia Bluebells [Mertensia virginica].Montour County,Pa.4-24-19
Wild Blue Phlox [Phlox divaricata].Montour County,Pa.4-24-19
Trout Lily [Erythronium americanum].Montour County,Pa.4-17-19
Trout Lily [Erythronium americanum].Montour County,Pa.4-17-19
Spring Beauty [Claytonia virginica].Montour County,Pa.4-16-19
Spring Beauty [Claytonia virginica].Montour County,Pa.4-16-19
False Hellebore,Indian Poke [Veratrum viride].Dauphin County,Pa.4-11-19
False Hellebore,Indian Poke [Veratrum viride].Dauphin County,Pa.4-11-19
My first wildflower of the year and one of my favorites"Coltsfoot" [Tussilago farfara].I just love those stems,they look like cactus.I am always amazed how fast they come and go.Spending all but a few brief weeks growing underground unseen.Dauphin County,Pa.4-4-19
Last year's wildflowers are still so very beautiful.Daisy Fleabane [Erigeron annuus].Dauphin County,Pa.3-6-19
Last year's wildflowers are still so very beautiful.Daisy Fleabane [Erigeron annuus].Dauphin County,Pa.3-6-19
Witch Hazel with developing fruit [Hamamelis virginiana].A fascinating shrub that flowers in the fall.When it's fruit ripen and open the seeds are expelled explosively for a distance of 30 feet,amazing!Dauphin County,Pa.10-12-18
Witch Hazel with developing fruit [Hamamelis virginiana].A fascinating shrub that flowers in the fall.When it's fruit ripen and open the seeds are expelled explosively for a distance of 30 feet,amazing!Dauphin County,Pa.10-12-18
Fireweed [Epilobium angustifolium].Coos County,N.H.9-2-18
Bottle Gentian [Gentiana andrewsii].Coos County,N.H.9-10-18
Spotted Jewelweed [Impatiens capensis].Coos County,N.H.9-5-18
Bladder Campion [Silene cucubalus]Coos County,N.H.9-7-18
Spotted Beebalm [Monarda punctata].Dauphin County,Pa.9-20-18
Orange Hawkweed [Hieracium pratense].Coos County,N.H.9-2-18
Indian Grass in bloom [Sorghastrum nutans].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Indian Grass in bloom [Sorghastrum nutans].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18 "The spikelets are golden-brown during the blooming period, and each contain one perfect floret that has three large, showy yellow stamens and two feather-like stigmas. One of the two glumes at the base of the spikelets is covered in silky white hairs. The flowers are cross-pollinated by the wind."
Indian Grass in bloom [Sorghastrum nutans].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18 "The spikelets are golden-brown during the blooming period, and each contain one perfect floret that has three large, showy yellow stamens and two feather-like stigmas. One of the two glumes at the base of the spikelets is covered in silky white hairs. The flowers are cross-pollinated by the wind."
Indian Grass in bloom [Sorghastrum nutans].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18 "The spikelets are golden-brown during the blooming period, and each contain one perfect floret that has three large, showy yellow stamens and two feather-like stigmas. One of the two glumes at the base of the spikelets is covered in silky white hairs. The flowers are cross-pollinated by the wind."
Showy Tick Trefoil [Desmodium canadense].Dauphin County,Pa.8-4-18
Striped Wintergreen [Chimaphila maculata].Dauphin County,Pa.7-13-18
Mountain Laurel [kalmia latifolia].Dauphin County,Pa.6-16-18
Mountain laurel [Kalmia latifolia].Dauphin County,Pa.6-12-18
Sweet-Fern flower [Comptonia peregrina].Dauphin County,Pa.6-11-18
Partridgeberry Flowers [Mitchella repens].Dauphin County,Pa.6-11-18
Yellow Star Grass [Hypoxis hirsuta].Dauphin County,Pa.6-1-18
Pointed Blue-eyed Grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.6-1-18
My favorite little wildflower is coming up!American Pennyroyal [Hedeoma pulegioides].Dauphin County,Pa.5-25-18
A beautiful leaf from Rattlesnake Weed [Hieracium venosum].Dauphin County,Pa.5-26-18
Painted Trillium [Trillium undulatum].Tioga County,Pa.5-19-18
Painted Trillium [Trillium undulatum].Tioga County,Pa.5-19-18
Purple Trillium [Trillium erectum].Tioga County,Pa.5-5-18
Painted Trillium [Trillium undulatum].Tioga County,Pa.5-13-17
Miterwort [Mitella diphylla].Tioga County.Pa.5-5-18
Common Milkweed seed pods [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.3-26-18.Even empty they are still so beautiful!Which is your favorite?
Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.3-18-18
Last years Spotted Beebalm [Monarda punctata] flower heads.Dauphin County,Pa.3-8-18
Previous years flower head from Wild Bergamot [Monarda fistulosa].Dauphin County,Pa.3-4-18
Flower heads from the previous year.Spotted Bee balm [Monarda punctata].Wild Bergamot [Monarda fistulosa].Dauphin County,Pa.3-4-18
Last year Coneflower flower heads [Echinacea] on state gamelands.Dauphin County,Pa.3-4-18
Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,2-18-18
Virgin's Bower [Clematis virginiana].'Wild Clematis'.Dauphin County,1-30-18
Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima] in seed.Tioga County,12-11-15.Much maligned for giving people hayfever in the fall,it does not pollinate through the air.
Unknown Goldenrod in seed.Dauphin County,12-21-17
Wildflower [plant] in December,Sharp-lobed Hepatica [Hepatica acutiloba].Tioga County,12-7-17
Virgin's Bower [Clematis virginiana].Tioga County,12-8-17
Unnamed swamp,Coos County,N.H.9-8-17.please notice the Bunchberry plant [Cornus canadensis]-Dogwood family [Cornaceae]
New England Aster [Aster novea-angliea].Dauphin County,9-22-17
"Bottle"Closed Gentian [Gentiana anderwsii],Luzerne County,8-1-17
Bottle,Closed Gentian [Gentiana andrewsii],Wild Beagamot [Monarda fistulosa],Black Eyed Susan [Rudbeckia hirta],Purple Conflower [Echinacea purpurea],Prairie Conflower [Ratibida pinnata].Luzerne & Dauphin Counties,7-30 & 8-1-17
Rattlesnake Weed [Hieracium venosum].Dauphin County,5-19-17
Rhodora [Rhododendron canadense].Lackawanna County,5-19-17
Pink Azalea,Wild Azalea [Rhododendron nudiflorum].Dauphin County,5-19-17
Foamflower [Tiarella cordifolia],Wild Columbine [Aquilegia canadensis],Fringed Polygala [Polygala paucifolia],Painted Trillium [Trillium undulatum],Jack-in-the-pulpit [Arisaema triphyllum].Tioga County,5-13-17
Tioga County Wildflowers.1.Long-spurred violet [Viola rostrata],2.Trout Lily [Erythronium americanun],3.Purple Trillium "Red Trillium" [Trillium erectum],4.Dutchman's Breeches [Dicentra cucullaria],5.Miterwort [Mitella diphylla],Painted Trillium leaf [Trillium undulatum].4-29-17
Sharp-lobed Hepatica [Hepatica acutiloba] & Spring Beauty [Claytonia caroliniana].Tioga County,4-15-17
Coltsfoot [Tussilago farfara].Schuylkill County,4-2-17
Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana] in bloom.Dauphin County,11-8-16
Jack-in-the-pulpits in seed.[Arisaema triphyllum].Coos County,N.H.,9-8 & 10 & 12-16
Steeplebush [Spiraea tomentosa].Coos county,N.H.,9-12-09
Hedge Blindweed [Convolvulus sepium].Tioga county,6-12-10
Indian Pipe [Monotropaceae].Dauphin county,7-24-15
Rue Anemone [Anemoella thalictroides].Perry county,5-2-15
Sweet White Violet [Viola blanda].Schuylkill county,5-20-14
Woolly Blue Violet [viola sororia].Schuylkill county,5-20-14
Ginseng [Panax quinquefolium].Tioga county,7-12-12
Purple Trillium [Trillium erectum].Tioga county,5-5-08
Painted Trillium [Trillium undulatum].Dauphin & Tioga counties,5-23&24-08,4-30-12,5-17-12,5-13&14-13
Bloodroot [Sanguinaria canadensis].Lancaster county,3-19-11
Round-Lobed-Hepatica [Hepatica american].Lancaster county,3-19-11
New York Aster [Aster novi-belgii].Coos county,N.H.,9-2-15
Turk's-cap Lily [Lilium superbum].Dauphin county,7-20-16
Turk's-cap Lily [Lilium superbum].Dauphin county,7-20-16
Cotton grass [Eriphorum vaginatum].Coos county,N.H.7-10-15
Spotted Wintergreen [Chimaphila maculata].Dauphin county,7-11-16
Blue Vervain [Verbena hastata].Schuylkill county,7-11-16
Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin county,7-7-16
Whorled Loosestrife [Lysimachia quadrifolia].Centre copunty,7-3-16
Bladder Campion [Silene cucubalus].Coos county,N.H. 9-1-15
pointed Blue-eyed Grass [Sisyrinchium angustifolium],Iris Family [Iridaceae].Dauphin county,6-10-16
Blue Flag Iris [Iris versicolor],Iris Family [Iridaceae] .Schuylkill county,6-10-16
Sheep Laurel [Kalmia angustifolia].Dauphin county,6-10-16
Mountain Laurel [kalmia latifolia].Dauphin county,6-10-16
Jack-in-the-pulpit [Arisaema triphyllum].Perry county,4-27-12
Ragged Robin [Lychnis flos-cuculi].Coos county,N.H. 7-4-15
Lupine [Lupinus perennis].Coos county,7-2-15
Lupines [Lupinus perennis].Coos county,N.H. 7-2-15
Blue flag Iris [Iris versicolor] & Orange Hawkweed [Hieracium aurantiacum].Coos County,N.H. 7-2-15
Sheep Laurel [Kalmia angustifolia].Coos county,N.H.7-14-15 & Pinesap [Monotropa hypopitys].Coos county,N.H. 7-9-15
Fireweed [Epilobium angustifolium].Coos county,N.H. 7-14-15
Highbush Blueberry,Huckleberry [Vaccinium corymbosum].Dauphin county,5-11-15
Dwarf Ginseng [Panax Trifolium],Dauphin county,5-11-13 Long-spurred Violet [Viola rostrata].Tioga county,5-15-11 16-10
Trout lily [Erythronium americanum].Dauphin county,4-26-14
Jack-in-the-pulpit [Arisaema triphyllum].Perry county,4-27-12
Fringed Polygala [Polygala paucifolia] Painted Trillium [Trillium undulatum] Fly Poision [Amianthium muscaetoxicum]
Wildflowers from years past.Dauphin and Schuylkill county
May 2,2015.Perry county
Jack-in-the-pulpit [Arisaema triphyllum].Tioga county,6-11-10
Trailing Arbutus [Epigaea repens]. Coltsfoot
Dauphin county,3-23-12 [Tussilago farfara]. Dauphin county,3-23-12 |
Foamflower [Tiarella cordifolia].Tioga county,5-5-10. Painted Trillium [Trillium undulatum].Tioga county,5-13-13. Miterwort [Mitella diphylla].Tioga county,5-15-11.
Indian Pipe [Monotropa uniflora].Dauphin county,7-5-13