Please remember while out herping in Pennsylvania you need to have a current fishing license and please please remember to follow decontamination procedures as not to spread germs,diseases and unwanted fungus to these important areas!If you not willing do follow these procedures,you should not be out!I personally always wear protective gloves [Nitrile],even if I don't handle salamanders and I do try to never touch them.I also spray myself [boots,waders,gloves,net,photographic tank...] with a chlorhexidine solution.
[Chlorhexidine, is a disinfectant and antiseptic that is used for skin disinfection]
[Chlorhexidine, is a disinfectant and antiseptic that is used for skin disinfection]
Wood Frog [Rana sylvatica]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-3-24
Spotted Salamander stage 20 of embryonic development and approximately 11 days old. Notice you can clearly see the developing spine and you can just make out the eye. Tioga County, Pa. 4-6-24 [Ambystoma maculatum]. Also notice the algae [Oophila amblystomatis] in the egg, it is the first known within cell partnership ever observed in vertebrates. The algae produces oxygen which the embryos need and the embryos produce nitrogen that the algae feeds on. Even as adults this same algae can be found residing inside the salamaders cells. A truly amazing partership known as "endosymbiotis". Also of interest I have noticed for a number of years and have documented an algae inside the eggs of Jefferson Salamanders, but scientist have yet to discover the same within cell relationship. But it it is there for a reason so I think it is only a matter of time before the same relationship is dicovered.
Spring Peepers [Pseudacris crucifer] and I believe something else. Tioga County, Pa. 4-9-24
One of my favorite salamander places. Tioga County, Pa. 12-7-23. These springs and seeps do not freeze as the hold a constant temperature. They are a special habitat for many salamanders and other creatures who depened on these wet areas, and I am always disinfected and wear nitrile gloves exploring these special places. Spring, Allegheny Mountain Dusky, Northern Two line salamanders and their larvae, and a whole host of others creatures call these places home. lets protect these fragile areas!
A beautiful first year American Bullfrog [Lithobates catesbeianus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-7-23
Pickerel Frog ( Lithobates palustris). Dauphin County, Pa. 10-3-23. I was amazed to find this handsome frog on top of a mountain in a tiny spring.
Marbled Salamander larvae [Ambystoma opacum] and Wood Frog eggs [Rana sylvaticus]. Many hundreds of larvae were seen at this pool yesterday, a great sight! No sign of Spotted activity in this particular pool as of yet, but with the help of recent rains, this pool is full of water to the point of overflowing. Pa. 3-6-23. The reflection of leaves from above gives the impression of a bright fall day.
Pickerel Frog (Lithobates palustris]. Perry County, Pa. 10-22-22
Wood Frog [Rana sylvaticus], Pa. 9-22-22
Wood Frog [Rana sylvaticus], Pa. 9-22-22
Juvenile Wood Frog [Rana sylvaticus]. North Central, Pa. 5-20-22. Wood frogs are the only frogs to live north of the artic circle.
A gravid female Spring Peeper [ Pseudacris crucifer]. Tioga County, Pa. 4-25-22
Newly hatched Wood Frog tadpoles [above and below] [Lithobates sylvaticus]. Pa. 4-11-22. Please notice those tiny gills! I feel sure that at this size they would be preyed upon by Marbled Salamander larvae. It almost looks at this tiny stage that they are sightless.
Newly hatched Wood Frog Tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus] feeding on Spotted Salamander [Ambystoma maculatum] eggs. Pa. 4-11-22. It does not take long after hatching for them to locate eggs to feed on.
Newly hatched Wood Frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus] and Marbled Salamander Larvae [Ambystoma opacum]. Pa. 4-11-22
Looking very much like an ancient dinosaur from some far away place, this gravid [full of eggs] is a female Red Spotted Newt [Notophalmus viridescens]. This small creatures lineage and other amphibians just like it, can be traced back millions of years to the time of the dinosaurs, pretty incredible when you stop and think about it! Dauphin County, Pa. 3-14-22
Wood Frog tadpole [Lithobates sylvaticus].Pa.5-31-21
28 week old Ambystoma opacum larva with Wood Frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].5-25-21
In a sea of Wood Frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].Pa.5-25-21
In a sea of Wood Frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].Pa.5-25-21
24 week old Marbled Salamander [Ambystoma opacum] larva with newly hatched Wood Frog tadpole [Lithobates sylvaticus].Also picture Spotted Salamander egg and approximately 14 days old embryo [Ambystoma maculatum].You can clearly see the developing eyes and spine of the embryo.4-13-21
Watch as a Wood Frog Tadpole hatches,breaking through the egg membrane [Lithobates sylvaticus].I knew about the symbiotic relationship between algae and Spotted Salamanders Ambystoma maculatum] in the egg and even being in the cells of the salamanders and also know to occur in Jefferson Salamanders [Ambystoma jeffersonianum].But I knew nothing about it also occurring in Wood Frog eggs.Apparently each species has a different algae-really amazing to think that in each species has it's own algae growing,not only inside the egg but inside the cells of the host creature.And that one another seem to depend on each other for their survival.
A beautiful female Wood Frog [Lithobates sylvaticus]gravid [full of eggs].Pa.3-20-21
A beautiful female Wood Frog [Lithobates sylvaticus]gravid [full of eggs].Pa.3-20-21
Wood frog mating [in amplexus]. [Lithobates sylvaticus].Pa.3-17-21
Wood frog rising [Lithobates sylvaticus].Pa.3-19-21
The beautiful sound of Wood Frogs [Lthobates sylvaticus].Pa.3-21-21
Wood Frogs [Lithobates sylvaticus] and Spotted Salamander spermatophores [Ambystoma maculatum].Pa.3-19-21
Wood Frog [Lithobatates sylvaticus].Pa.3-17-21
These small and beautiful 1 inch tadpoles found in a tiny pool associated with a small stream are Green Frog tadpoles [Lithobates clamitans] found in Tioga County.Pa.12-12-20.Green Frogs tadpoles can take up to 2 years to metamorphosis to frogs and land.That means the tadpoles overwintering,in some instances,under the ice.
American Bullfrog tadpoles [Lithobates catesbeianus].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20.
A unusual silver sided [light colored] Ambystoma opacum larva with a Wood Frog tadpole [Lithobates sylvaticus].Pa.6-1-20
A young American Bullfrog.Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19 [Lithobates catesbeianus]
A young American Bullfrog found a cozy place to spend the winter under a piece of wood in a dry vernal pool.Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19 [Lithobates catesbeianus]
Wood Frog Tadpoles metamorphosis to frogs [Lithobates sylvaticus].Tioga County,Pa.6-29-19
Wood Frog Tadpoles metamorphosis to frogs [Lithobates sylvaticus].Tioga County,Pa.6-29-19
Spotted Salamander larvae [Ambystoma maculatum] with Wood frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].Dauphin County,Pa.6-27-19
A sea of Wood Frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].Dauphin County,Pa.6-21-19
Wood Frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-19
Young Wood Frog [it was very tiny,one third the size of an adult].Dauphin County,Pa.5-17-19 [Lithobates sylvaticus]
Young Wood Frog [it was very tiny,one third the size of an adult].Dauphin County,Pa.5-17-19 [Lithobates sylvaticus]
The most beautiful female Wood frog that I have ever seen [lithobates sylvaticus].Dauphin County,Pa.3-27-19
The most beautiful female Wood frog that I have ever seen [lithobates sylvaticus].Dauphin County,Pa.3-27-19
Wood Frog.Dauphin County,Pa.3-27-19 [Lithobates sylvaticus]
Green Frog tadpoles.Dauphin County,Pa.3-23-19 [Lithobates clamitans]
Green Frog [Rana clamitans melanota]Coos County,N.H.9-2-18
Gray Tree Frog [Hyla versicolor].Tadpole [top] and metamorphosing to a frog [bottom].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Eastern American Toad [Anaxyrus americanus].Dauphin County,Pa.
Comparing eggs and embryos of two Ambystoma salamander species.Jefferson's [Ambystoma jeffersonianum] the left,ready to hatch.Spotted [Ambystoma maculatum] on the right,one to two weeks from hatching.Notice the larger space between the inner envelope of the egg and the vitelline membrane in the Spotted egg.Tioga County,Pa.5-5-18
These pictures show the larvae of Jefferson Salamander [Ambystoma jeffersonianum],both inside the egg [embryo] and newly hatched.Please notice the rod like projections on the head of the larvae both inside the egg and out.These are called balancers,they help the newly hatched larvae from sinking and also maintain their balance.They are only on for a short while,till the larvae develops its forelimbs for use in locomotion.
My photographic tank and some of my equipment.If you look close you can see a Northern Red Salamander larvae in the tank.Perry County,Pa.3-30-18
The beautiful and amazing Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca].Perry County,Pa.3-20-18.A food source so many vernal pool creatures,salamander larvae,frogs,tadpoles all feed on them
Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca].Perry County,Pa.3-18-18
The beautiful and amazing Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca].Perry County,Pa.3-20-18.A food source so many vernal pool creatures,salamander larvae,frogs,tadpoles all feed on them.Please notice the eggs she is carrying inside her.
Green frog Tadpole [Lithobates clamitans].Perry County,Pa.3-11-18
Wood Frog eggs [Lithobates sylvaticus].Dauphin County,3-4-18
A beautiful sound Wood Frogs [Lithobates sylvaticus].Perry County,2-21-18
The last thing I expected to see on a cold and windy day.What I believe to be 20+ wood frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].Dauphin County,11-26-17
Juvenile Gray Treefrogs [Haya versicolor].Dauphin County,10-5-17
Gray Tree Frog and their beautiful tadpoles [Hyla versicolor].Dauphin County,8-6-17
Green Frog [Lithobates clamitans].Perry County,6-30-17
Wood Frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].Dauphin County,6-27-17
Wood frog tadpoles [Lithobates sylvaticus].Perry County,Pa.6-14-17
Wood frog tadpole [Rana sylvatica].Perry County,4-23-17
Male Wood Frog [Rana sylvatica].Dauphin County,3-3-17
Female Wood Frog [Rana sylvatica].Dauphin County,2-24-17
Male and Female Wood Frogs [Rana sylvatica],female on the bottom.Dauphin County,2-24-17
Spring Peeper [Hyla cruicfer] mating.Dauphin County,5-8-16
Wood Frog [Rana sylvatica].Coos county,N.H.7-10-15
Wood frog [Rana sylvatica] tadpoles,vernal pool.Dauphin county,4-15-16
Wood frog [Rana sylvatica] tadpoles moving inside their eggs, [the first three pictures].Dauphin county,3-31-16. Rana sylvatica tadpoles free from their eggs [last two pictures].Vernal pool,Dauphin county,4-2-16
Wood frogs [Rana sylvatica] mating & Wood frog eggs,vernal pool.Dauphin county, 3-11-16
Eastern Gray Treefrog [Hyla versicolor].Mahantongo valley,Schuylkill county,7-30-15
Wood frog [Rana sylvatica].Coos county,N.H.8-21-12
American toad [Anaxyrus americanus].Coos county,N.H.8-21-14
Green frog [Rana clamitans].Coos county,N.H.9-2-14
Young American toad [Anaxyrus americanus].Dauphin county,5-15-15