Nature's Designs
Icicles. Tioga County, Pa. 12-8-23
New York Scalewort [Frullania eboracensis] on White Birch Tree [Betula papyrifera]. Northeastern, Pa. In the family of Liverworts.
Pine Needle caught on a limb in the setting sun light. Pitch Pine [Pinus rigida]. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-3-23.
Pine Needles caught on limbs in the setting sun light. Pitch Pine [Pinus rigida]. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-3-23.
The skeletal remains of a Witch Hazel leaf [Hamamelis virginiana]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-15-23. After a year drought followed by rain and a devastating hail storm, then heat and drought again, this leaf finally succumbed to the ravages of some unknown insect. A year in the life of this one leaf and it still has a beauty all its own.
The beauty of Turkey Tail Mushroom [Trametes versicolor]. Dauphin county, Pa. 9-29-23
Common Earthball [Scleroderma citrinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-29-23
Mosquito caught in just two tentacles of Round Leaved Sundew [Drosera rotundifolia]. Tioga County, Pa. 6-10-23
American Cancer Root [Conopholis americana]. Maryland, 5-19-23. A parasitic plant.
One Flower Cancer Root [Orbanche uniflora]. Maryland, 5-19-23. A parasitic plant meaning it subsist on the roots and energy of other plants, having no leaves of its own for photosynthesis and thus its own energy to create flowers.
Smooth Solomon's Seal [Polygonatum biflourum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-19-23
The always elegant Perfoliate Bellwort [Uvularia perfoliata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-19-23
Fringed Polygala [Polygala paucifolia]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-6-23
Miterwort [Mitella diphylla]. Perry County, Pa. 4-24-23
Double Flowering Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta f. plena]. North Central, Pa. 4-14-23
Double Flowering Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta f. plena]. North Central, Pa. 4-14-23
Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta]. Tioga County, Pa. 4-14-23. Showing tiny pollen gains on the stamens [male] found at the end of the connecting filaments, in the middle of the flower the greenish points are the stigmas [female]. The ovaries can be found at the base of the stigmas
Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta]. Tioga County, Pa. 4-14-23. Showing tiny pollen gains on the stamens.
Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta]. Tioga County, Pa. 4-14-23. Showing the stigma [female] and anthers containing the stamen [male]
This is what is referred to as a "maiden" flower. Only having stigma [female parts] and no stamens [male parts]. It is still possible to reproduce and have fruit or seeds, if it gets pollen from an adjacent flower with stamens. This plant is in the same area as the double flowering plants, I can't help but wonder if this and other maiden plants in the area are somehow responsible for the mystery of rare double flowering plants found here. Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta]. North Central, Pa. 4-14-23
Double Flowering Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta f. plena]. North Central, Pa. 4-14-23. I was fortunate to discover this rare colony of double flowing plants interspersed with hundreds of normally flowing Hepatica last year. There were 32 of these double flowering plants found last year[1 plant would be considered an extraordinary find] and so far this year there are around half that number, with hopefully more to come. There is a wonderful mystery surrounding these particular plants, how they ever came to be. As they have no stamen or stigma [male and female parts] of the plant to reproduce [last year there were no seeds produced by these plants]. What is at work here that produces plants like these, is there some kind of genetic mutation? Only time will tell and it would be okay with me if we never know the wonderful mystery of these plants. For now just enjoy the extraordinary beauty of these spring ephemerals from the mountains of northern Pennsylvania. Notice the white with a blush of pink with a hint of yellow in these particular flowers.
Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica american var. acuta]. North Central, Pa. 4-3-22
Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta] just starting to open. Tioga County, Pa. 4-3-23
The stamen [male part of the flower] on Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta]. Tioga County, Pa. 4-3-23. Notice the tiny grains of pollen on the stamens.
Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica American var. acuta] Tioga County, Pa. 4-3-23. Nothing can stop spring wildflowers and their never ending will to flower and reproduce as they've waited an entire year for this one moment in time.
Indian Tobacco seed capsules still holding on [Lobelia inflata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 2-27-23. I love taking pictures of the seed capsules of Indian Tobacco, they are an truly one of natures amazing designs. looking much like a balloon supported by ribs, they can survive all winter. I like the way this capsule seems almost transparent, with the sunlight, lighting up the inside. Notice too the skin of the capsule, you can see the intricate veining much like that of a fallen leaf.
That part of Spotted Bee Balm showing the receptacles that once held their wonderful tropical looking flowers, beautiful in their own right, these individual "tubes" have strips and are guarded by five points at the opening, looking like stars. Dauphin County, Pa. 2-21-23 [Monarda punctata]
Last years dried flower head of Spotted Bee Balm [Monarda punctata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 1-26-23. Showing the empty receptacles that once held the flowers. Notice that they are striped and have five points at the top of each column, looking much like a five pointed star.
The fruit [seeds] of White Avens [Geum canadense]. Dauphin County, Pa. 1-26-23. Notice the hooked fruits, snagging passersby.
Large Whorled Pogonia seed pod in snow. Dauphin County, Pa. 1-23-23. After releasing thousands of tiny seeds this single orchid seed pod still stands out, like a beacon on a snowy cold day. [Isotria verticillata]. It is amazing to think that this one seed pod is a reflection of the energy from sun, rain, and a good growing season that was stored in this plants roots [bulb] from the previous year [2021], enabling this one plant to produce a inflorescence [flower] in 2022, and after being pollinated, this one lone seed pod. I have found that for every dozen plants from this particular orchid only a few might have the energy to produce a flower, and of these very few if any are pollinated correctly enough to produce a seed pod. The life cycle of the Large Whorled Pogonia, and many other plants can be hard to say the least. I think this is why I have such admiration, respect and love of plants.
Drops on grass on a misty January day.
American Pennyroyal [Hedeoma pulegioides]. A comparison between flowering in August and January's dried Calyxes [that hold the inflorescence [flowers]. Notice in the winter [and summer] picture that calyxes are 5 toothed and 2 lower teeth are covered in tiny spikes or hairs, making the lower teeth look like formidable weapons. What is the function of these hairs are I cannot say, but you can be sure that in nature, there is a reason! This is one of my favorite tiny wildflowers, summer or winter, and is an annual, coming up from seed every year. Dauphin County, Pa. 1-10-23
The unmistakable elegant form of American Pennyroyal [Hedeoma pulegioides] in winter. Dauphin County, Pa. 1-13-23
A tiny leaf of Rattlesnake Weed [Hieracium venosum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 1-10-23. Its hard to believe that this tiny leaf will quadruple in size if not more by the time of blooming in late May, and will have all the fantastic purple veining that this plant is famous for. I can't help pondering the reasoning for the long hairs that are always present on each and every leaf and also the dark pin hole markings that always accompany each leaf, and wonder if eons ago this plant may have been in the cactus family.
Rattlesnake Weed [Hieracium venosum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 1-10-23.
Ground Cedar [Lycopodium digitatum]. Tioga County, Pa. 12-10-22
Close up of the pappus on Goldenrod [Solidago], each pappus, the circular hair like filaments, are attached to achene which contain a single seed. The pappus help to disperse the seed on the wind, just waiting for that right gust to propel them into the air. Tioga County, Pa. 12-8-22
This shows that part of Goldenrod [Solidago] know as the "receptacle". If you look at the very center you can see the tiny dimples that once held the "achene" inside the achene are the seeds. Tioga County, Pa. 12-9-22. The receptacles are found on many plants such as asters, and are noticeable after the seed or achene are gone. I think that they are very beautiful this time of year.
This picture shows the "achene" of Goldenrod [Solidago] which are held inside the receptacle. Inside each "achene" is a single seed, the tiny hairs in a circle around the top are called "pappus",they in turn help the seed to disperse on the wind. Tioga County, Pa. 12-9-22. Natures design and engineering at its finest, through eons of time and evolution providing a way for plants to spread and disperse their seeds and thus continue their species.
The beautiful and varied foliage of Sharp Leaved Hepatica [Hepatica nobilis], still looks fantastic in December! Tioga County, Pa. 12-8-22. Notice the unusual four leaved plant
Tree burls. Dauphin County, Pa.
My favorite fallen pine needle picture from the fall. White Pine [Pinus strobus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-3-22
Dogbane in seed [Apocynum cannabinum]. Dauphin County, Pa.11-3-22
A Pine Needle caught in a Huckleberry bush, on a November day. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-3-22. I was really happy with the light and colors in the background, that's what I love about photography, you just never know and surprises are always welcome!
Chestnut Oak leaf skeleton. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-3-22
The beauty of Indian Tobacco dried fruit [seed capsules]. Dauphin County. 11-11-22 [Lobelia inflata]. I am always fascinated by the intricacy and complexities that I see in nature. For instance on the left you can see a dried "balloon" like seed capsule with its outer "skin" intact and on the right the skeleton, taken a few weeks later, shows the tiny filaments that supported the outer "skin" and kept it in place. These filaments looking for all the world like modern engineering showing the skeleton frame of a modern football stadium dome, before the outside "skin" is put on. If you look closely at where the parallel filaments meet at the top you can see they are secured to round filament that circles the top holding the entire basket or balloon structure in place. As humans a feat such as this would be considered incredible, for the plant world, this amazing engineering, it is just another day of perfection that we don't even notice or recognize. Just take a minute to look, like me you will be in state wonder and admiration.
Hay Scented Fern in Fall, notice the spores on the underside of the fronds. That's how ferns reproduce as they don't have flowers or seeds. [Dennstaedtia punctilobula]. Dauphin county, Pa. 10-16-22
Chestnut Oak Acorn caps [Quercus montana]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-7-22
Scarlet Oak acorn [ Quercus cocciner]. Dauphin county, Pa. 10-5-22
Aren't plants truly amazing. These Alpine Bulrush plants were found growing in nothing more than cracks on a damp granite rock face. Northern Vermont. 7-6-22 [Tricophorum alpinum]
Redbelt Tree fungi [Fomitopsis pinicola]. Coos County, N.H. 7-10-22. I really love shadows, in this case, the shadows of Balsam Fir needles.
Skeleton of a Oak leaf [Quercus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 4-14-22. This Oak leaf was meticulously eaten by a caterpillar last summer. All that remains are veins making this perfect skeleton, showing us the intricate design and beauty of nature.
Spotted [Striped] Wintergreen [Chimaphila maculata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 3-14-22
Ice had formed on a blade of Indian Grass and having become separated, created this perfect copy, right down to the grains and pattern of the grass. [Sorghastrum nutaus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 2-10-22
Bluestem Goldenrod in seed. Tioga County, Pa. 12-17-21
An individual seed of from Bluestem Goldenrod [Solidago caesia]. Tioga County, Pa. 12-17-21. The pappus [the feathery filaments] help the seed, which is inside the fruit or achene, disperse on the wind.
White Pine Needle balanced on Bluestem Goldenrod [Solidago caesia]. Tioga County, Pa. 12-17-21
Nature's designs, the skeletal remains of a seed pod from Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 12-3-21
Nature's designs, the skeletal remains of a seed pod from Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 12-3-21
Nature's designs, the skeletal remains of a seed pod from Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 12-3-21
The skeletal remains of a seed pod from Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 12-3-21
This is an example of a tiny young Rattlesnake Weed plant just starting to get veining on its new leaves. Notice the leaf at the top shows barely any veining at all, also notice the really long filaments ["Hairs"] and the new leaf unfurling in the center [complete with many filaments]. [Hieracium venosum], Dauphin County, Pa. 12-3-21. It would seem fall and winter are the growing times for this beautiful and unusual plant.
The beautiful foliage of Rattlesnake Weed in December [Hieracium vevosum]. This picture really shows off the deep reds and purples of the veining on the leaf. Dauphin County, Pa. 12-3-21. I have often wondered what purpose the "hairs" serve on this beautiful and interesting plant, which are longer and much more visible this time of year.
The beautiful foliage of Rattlesnake Weed, still vibrant in November, especially in the younger plants. [Hieracium venosum]. Dauphin County, Pa.
The beautiful Common Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana] in bloom. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-25-21
The beautiful Common Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana] in bloom. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-25-21
Common Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana]. Fall colors and flowers, it wouldn't be fall without it! . Dauphin County, Pa. 10-16-21
Spruce and Balsam fir trees growing from a rotted stump. Coos County, N.H. [Above and below pictures]
New Hampshire, along the Canadian border in July 2021
Indian Grass in Bloom [Sorghastrum nutans]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-31-21.
Indian Grass in Bloom [Sorghastrum nutans]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-31-21.
Indian Grass in Bloom [Sorghastrum nutans]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-31-21. The feathery parts are stamens [male] and stigmas [female] parts of the plant, the stamens make pollen.
Pinesap [Monotropa hypopitys]. Coos County, N.H. 7-15-21
Common Strawberry, Wild Strawberry [Fragaria virginiana]. Coos County, N.H. 7-10-21
Sheep Laurel [Kalmia angustifolia]. Luzerne County,Pa.6-10-21
Mountain Laurel [ Kalmia latifolia]. Dauphin County,Pa.6-5-21
Mountain Laurel [ Kalmia latifolia]. Dauphin County,Pa.6-5-21
The beautiful foliage of Rattlesnake Weed in the rain. Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-21. Like a finger print every leaf has it's own individual pattern. [Hieracium venosum]
The beautiful foliage of Rattlesnake Weed in the rain. Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-21. Like a finger print every leaf has it's own individual pattern. [Hieracium venosum]
The beautiful foliage of Rattlesnake Weed in the rain. Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-21. Like a finger print every leaf has it's own individual pattern. [Hieracium venosum]
Lowbush Huckleberry in bloom [Vaccinium angustifolium].Dauphin County, Pa.4-27-21
Red Maple [Acer rubrum] in bloom.Dauphin County,Pa.4-9-21
American Holly [Ilex opaca].Dauphin County,Pa.3-5-21
Fairy Shrimp [Eubranchipus vernalis].Pa.2-6-21
Fairy Shrimp [Eubranchipus vernalis]Pa.2-6-21.
Female Fairy Shrimp and encysted eggs that are developing in the brood pouch.Pa.2-6-21 [Eubranchipus vernalis].
Female Fairy Shrimp and encysted eggs that are developing in the brood pouch.Pa.2-6-21 [Eubranchipus vernalis].Noice the tiny feather like structures on her tail.
Beautiful female fairy shrimp [Eubranchipus vernalis].Pa.2-6-21.I think that it is fascinating to see her eye movement in the beginning of the video,and at the 7 second mark.
A female Fairy Shrimp with encysted eggs developing in the brood pouch.[Eubranchipus vernalis].Seen with Marbled Salamander larvae.Pa.2-6-21
Close up pictures of a female Fairy Shrimp and encysted eggs that are developing in the brood pouch.Pa.2-6-21 [Eubranchipus vernalis]."Female Fairy Shrimp produce several broods of encysted eggs which must dry and be re-submerged before they will hatch."From the wonderful booklet "A Field Guide To The Animals Of Vernal Pools"by Leo P. Kenny and Matthew R. Burne.Available through the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.
Dried White Wood Aster in winter [Eurybia divaricata].Tioga County,Pa.12-12-20
Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima] in seed.Tioga County,Pa.12-13-20
White Pine Needles on Witch Hazel in the rain [Hamamelis virginiana].Dauphin County,Pa.10-26-20
Fallen Eastern White Pine needles [Pinus strobus].Dauphin County,Pa.10-15-20
Fallen Eastern White Pine needles [Pinus strobus].Dauphin County,Pa.10-15-20
Winterberry [Ilex verticillata].Perry County,Pa.10-8-20
Witch Hazel buds just opening and their flowers unfurling [Hamamelis virginiana].Dauphin County,Pa.10-5-20.The more I see Witch Hazel the more I am fascinated by this beautiful plant.
Wild Grapes,Fox Grapes [Vitus] Tioga County,Pa.9-17-20.Picture shows grapes after Cedar Waxwings were feeding on them,and as soon as I left they were back at the grapes again!
Wild Grape,Fox Grapes [Vitis].Tioga County,Pa.9-17-20.The taste was somewhere between awful and terrible[very sour].Beautiful color though.The Cedar Waxwings were really having a great time eating them!
Indian Grass [Sorghastrum nutans] in bloom and on the breeze, on a beautiful summer's day.Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Indiangrass in bloom [Sorghastrum nutans].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
Oyster Plant,Salsify [Tragopogon porrifolius].Dauphin County,Pa.7-4-20.Nature's Fireworks!
Woodland Strawberry [Fragaria vesca].Tioga County,Pa.7-3-20
The beautiful Little Bluestem grass [Schizachyrium scoparium].Dauphin County,Pa.2-3-20.To see this wonderful grass throughout the seasons is something I always look forward to.From the shades of blue in summer to the reddish hues in fall and winter and the beautiful fluffy seeds,I wish my yard was nothing but Little Bluestem!
Fallen Pitch Pine needle in late afternoon sun.Dauphin County,Pa.11-3-19
Pitch Pine needle in Huckleberry bush.Dauphin County,Pa.11-1-19
Teaberry,Wintergreen [Gaultheria procumbens].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19[Gaultheria procumbens].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19
American Witchhazel [Hamamelis virginiana]in bud.Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19.It wouldn't be fall to me without seeing the beautiful Witchhazel in Bloom,one of the very few plants you will see flowering in the fall
American Witchhazel [Hamamelis virginiana]in bud.Dauphin County,Pa.10-15-19.It wouldn't be fall to me without seeing the beautiful Witchhazel in Bloom,one of the very few plants you will see flowering in the fall
Fall is a beautiful time to see trees in all their color,but trees aren't the only living thing in the forest with wonderful fall color.Plants as well can show off for the last time of the year.The beautiful leaves of the wild orchid,Large Whorled Pogonia [Isotria verticillata].Dauphin County,Pa.10-11-19.After this orchid flowers in May,it's leaves continue to grow,more than doubling in size.
"Water splash in sunlight" on a mountain brook.Dauphin County,Pa
Coyote howling last evening [turn up the sound].It was far away at first but kept getting closer,it was really wonderful to hear its mournful call on such a crisp fall evening.Gave me goose pimples just to be so close!Pa.10-4-19
September Katydids and Coyote howling.Dauphin County,Pa.If you turn up your sound you can really hear the coyote.It was really wonderful in the dark!
Disturbed water after a whale dive-whalers used to believe it was oil coming off the whales.Humpback Whale [Megaptera novaeangliae].September 2019.Provincetown,Cape Cod
Cape Cod National Seashore.September 2019
Humpback Whale [Megaptera novaeangliae].September 2019.Provincetown,Cape Cod,Mass..If you look close you can see their giant white pectoral fins under the water.
Humpback Whale [Megaptera novaeangliae].September 2019.Provincetown,Cape Cod,Mass.
Humpback Whale [Megaptera novaeangliae].September 2019.Provincetown,Cape Cod,Mass.
Humpback Whale [Megaptera novaeangliae].September 2019.Provincetown,Cape Cod,Mass.
Humpback Whale [Megaptera novaeangliae].September 2019.Provincetown,Cape Cod,Mass.
Snail eggs.Dauphin County,Pa.8-16-19
Indian Grass [Sorghastrum nutans],in the late summer breeze.Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
My favorite native plant,the tiny American Pennyroyal [Hedeoma pulegioides].Very aromatic and wonderful scent!I remember being with my grandpa when I was young we would collect the stalks while the leaves were still green and make bunches and hang them upside down in his dirt basement.When the plants would dry out we would strip the dried leaves into a paper bag.He would make a tea during the winter when you had a bad cold.It was a fine drink.Now a days it is not recommend that you drink it.Folks do use it as an insect repellent.It used to be fairly common in our area,but now with the spread of the choking Japanese stiltgrass it hard to find.Great memories!Dauphin County,Pa.8-16-19
Spider Web.Dauphin County,Pa.7-21-19
Fingernail Clam [Mollusca bivalvia].Montour County,Pa.4-17-19
The baby doves have fledged and they are always together,Snug as bugs!Schuylkill County,Pa.4-18-19
Ramps [Allium tricoccum].Montour County,Pa.4-17-19
Spring stream.Dauphin County,Pa.4-4-19
False Hellebore,Indian Poke [Veratrum viride].Dauphin County,Pa.4-11-19
Spring time stream.Dauphin County,Pa.4-4-19
Spring stream.Dauphin County,Pa.4-4-19
"Beginnings" The start of a small mountain brook.Dauphin County,Pa.3-27-19
Red spruce needles floating on a vernal pool [Picea rubens].Dauphin County,Pa.3-23-19
It is so wonderful to see and hear the streams running full of water!Dauphin County,Pa.3-27-19
Red spruce needles floating on a vernal pool [Picea rubens].Dauphin County,Pa.3-23-19
Indian Grass in seed [sorghastrum nutans].Dauphin County,Pa.1-11-18
Little Bluestem grass in seed [Schizachyrium scoparium].Dauphin County,Pa.1-11-18
Beautiful Little Bluestem grass in seed [Schizachyrim scoparium].Dauphin County,Pa.1-1-19
Small brook with unusual wavy line,on a cold day in December.Tioga County,Pa.12-6-18-Does anyone have any ideas?
Watercress in a small spring [Nasturtium officinale].Tioga County,Pa.12-6-18
Small spring with Watercress [Nasturtium officinale].Tioga County,Pa.12-6-18
Small brook.Coos County,N.H.9-15-18
Small brook along the Canadian border.Coos County,N.H.9-10-18
Fall reflections off water.Dauphin County,Pa.10-30-18
Witch Hazel with developing fruit [Hamamelis virginiana].A fascinating shrub that flowers in the fall.When it's fruit ripen and open the seeds are expelled explosively for a distance of 30 feet,amazing!Dauphin County,Pa.10-12-18
Balsam Fir seedling [Abies balsamea].Coos County,N.H.9-5-18
Brook Trout [Salvelinus fontinalis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-4-18
Water drops on oak leaf.Dauphin County,Pa.6-20-18
Ferns on a beautiful fall like summer day!Dauphin County,Pa.6-12-18.Days like these gives me hope.
A beautiful leaf from Rattlesnake Weed [Hieracium venosum].Dauphin County,Pa.5-26-18
My photographic tank and some of my equipment.If you look close you can see a Northern Red Salamander larvae in the tank.Perry County,Pa.3-30-18
Horsenettle [Solanam carlinense].Dauphin County,Pa.3-26-18
Appalachian Brook Crayfish with young [Cambarus bartonii].Perry County,Pa.3-19-18
The beautiful and amazing Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca].Perry County,Pa.3-20-18.A food source so many vernal pool creatures,salamander larvae,frogs,tadpoles all feed on them
Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca].Perry County,Pa.3-18-18
The beautiful and amazing Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca].Perry County,Pa.3-20-18.A food source so many vernal pool creatures,salamander larvae,frogs,tadpoles all feed on them.Please notice the eggs she is carrying inside her.
Ice on pine needles.Dauphin County,Pa.3-8-18
Beautiful Fairy Shrimp,vernal pool.Perry County,Pa.3-11-18
More fairy Shrimp video from a vernal pool in Perry County,Pa.3-10-18
The beautiful and amazing Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca].Perry County,Pa.3-10-18.A food source so many vernal pool creatures,salamander larvae,frogs,tadpoles all feed on them.They in turn feed on phytoplankton and protozoans.They swim "upside down" beating their abdominal appendages which also serve as respiratory structures.[from the great booklet a field guide of the animals of vernal pools]
Woolgrass [Scripus cyperinus].Dauphin County,2-27-18
Winterberry [Ilex verticillata].Dauphin County,2-18-18.I have seen bluebirds,robins,and cedar waxwings enjoying them.
Winter Beauty Under The Ice.Dauphin County,12-28-17
Ice in Bear Den Hollow.Tioga County,12-7-17
Moss covered log. Tioga County,12-7-17
A friend of mine son and his very first salamander and he found it all by himself!Dauphin County,9-30-17.Eastern Red-back.
Little Bluestem Grass [Schizachyrium scoparium] with snow.Dauphin County,3-4-17
Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca],crustaceans,vernal pool.Dauphin County,3-3-17.Important food source in a vernal pool for salamanders,salamander larvae.frogs,tadpoles,and many other creatures.
Fallen pine needle.Tioga County,12-11-15
Fog droplets on grass.Dauphin County,1-22-17
Layered rock.Tioga County,12-12-16
Common Strawberry[wild][Fragaria virginiana].Coos county,N.H.,7-4-15
Common Strawberry[wild][Fragaria virginiana]&Highbush Blueberry[Vaccinium corymbosum].Coos county,N.H. 7-12&9-1-15
Striped forest Snail[Anguispira alternata]&Great Slug[Limax maximus].Eating a mushroom.Dauphin county,6-21-14
Young wild grapes[Vitis].Dauphin county,5-16-16
Lichens[British Soldiers][Cladonia cristatella].Tioga county,12-11-15
Lichen[British Soldiers][Cladonia cristatella].Toga county,12-11-15
Fallen pine needles.Tioga county,12-11-15
Fallen pine needles.Tioga county,12-11-15
Fallen pine needles.Tioga county.12-11-15
Climbing[American]Bittersweet[Celastrus scandens].Dauphin county,12-24-13