The beautiful Orange Patched Smokey Moth [Pyromorpha dimidiata] on Large Whorled Pogina [Isotria verticillata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-31-24
The beautiful Orange Patched Smokey Moth [Pyromorpha dimidiata] on Large Whorled Pogina [Isotria verticillata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-31-24
This series of pictures shows the proboscis of Anageshna primordialis moth uncoiling in search of nectar in the spur of Platanthera obtusata. Coos County, N.H. 7-3-22
Small Eyed Sphinx Moth [Paonias myops]. Coos County, N.H. 7-10-21
The intricate pattern of the beautiful Cherry Scallop Shell Moth [Rheumoptera prunivorata]. Coos County, N.H.7-5-21
Blinded Sphinx Moth [Paonias excaecata]. Coos County, N.H.7-6-21
Blinded Sphinx Moth [Paonias excaecata]. Coos County, N.H.7-6-21
Virginia Ctenuchid Moth [Ctenuchid virginica]. Coos County, N.H.7-6-21
A male Luna Moth [Actias luna]. Coos County, N.H.7-4 & 5-21. And the exact same moth came back the next night to roost in the same location.
I am pretty sure I never saw this beautiful moth before. Arched Hooktip [Deprana arcuata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-25-21
I am pretty sure I never saw this beautiful moth before. Arched Hooktip [Deprana arcuata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-25-21
American Dagger Moth [Acronicta americana] caterpillar.Perry County,Pa.10-10-20
Hickory Tussock moth caterpillar [Lophocampa caryae].,on Witch Hazel.Dauphin County,Pa.10-15-20
Milkweed Tussock Moth [Euchaetes egle].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Orange Spotted Pyrausta moth [Pyrausta orphisalis].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Yellow-Necked Caterpillar [Datana ministra].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20.After photographing these moth caterpillars [above] I accidentally touched the limb they were on with my camera,they immediately curled up in a response to danger [below].Is it camouflage or defense or both?Fascinating behavior that I have never seen before,almost like were trying to imitate limbs.
Orange Spotted Pyrausta moth [Pyrausta orphisalis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
Orange Spotted Pyrausta moth [Pyrausta orphisalis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
A beautiful male Imperial Moth [Eacles imperialis].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-27-20
A beautiful male Imperial Moth [Eacles imperialis].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-27-20
Celery Looper Moth [Anagrapha falcifera].Dauphin County,Pa.7-28-20.
A beautiful male Imperial Moth [Eacles imperialis].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-27-20
A beautiful male Imperial Moth [Eacles imperialis].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-27-20
Blueish Spring Moth [Lomographa semiclarata].Dauphin County,Pa.4-28-20
Promethea Moth cocoon [callosamia promethea].Schuylkill county,Pa.11-10-19.Snug as a bug for winter.
Giant Leopard Moth Caterpillar [Hypercompe scribonia].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-19
4th Luna Moth of the second brood,a dying female.I am sure her eggs are out there somewhere,ready to start the next generation.Dauphin County,Pa.7-12-19.
Hummingbird Moth "Common Clearwing" [Hemaris thysbe].Dauphin County,7-12-19
Female Luna Moth.Dauphin County,Pa.7-8-19 [Actias luna]
Male Luna Moth.Dauphin County,Pa.7-7-19 [Actias luna]
2nd and 3rd Luna moths of the second brood,a male and female.Dauphin County,Pa.7-7-19 & 7-8-19 [Actias luna]
2nd and 3rd Luna moths of the second brood,a male and female.Dauphin County,Pa.7-7-19 & 7-8-19 [Actias luna]
2nd Luna Moth of the second brood,a beautiful male.Dauphin County,Pa.7-7-19 [Actias luna]
First luna moth of the second brood,a beautiful female.Dauphin County,Pa.7-3-19 [Actias luna].
Male Luna Moth [Actias luna].Tioga County,Pa.6-15-19
My first Tioga County Luna Moth.A beautiful male,our [Dauphin County] second brood isn't due till the first two weeks of July,so I am guessing this is the first brood so much further north.Tioga County,Pa.6-15-19 [Actias luna]
My first Tioga County Luna Moth.A beautiful male,our [Dauphin County] second brood isn't due till the first two weeks of July,so I am guessing this is the first brood so much further north.Tioga County,Pa.6-15-19 [Actias luna]
A real surprise, a Giant Leopard Moth [Hypercompe scribonia] caterpillar.Dauphin County,Pa.1-1-19.Temperature was 39 degrees
Salt Marsh Moth [Estigmene acrea].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Brown-Hooded Owlet Moth [Cucullia convexipennis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-4-18
Probably some of the last luna Moths I will find [8 this year].A dead female left, she has completed her two week moth life cycle,emerged from a cocoon,mated,laid her eggs.They will be moths next May. And a live male [Actias luna].Dauphin County,Pa.7-19-18
Two different male Luna moths [Actias luna].Dauphin County,Pa.7-13-18.So far I have found 6,which is five more than last year!
Two different male Luna moths [Actias luna].Dauphin County,Pa.7-13-18.So far I have found 6,which is five more than last year!
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna].Dauphin County,Pa.7-5-18
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna].Dauphin County,Pa.7-5-18
My first two Luna Moths of the year [Actias luna].Male and a female,Second brood.Dauphin County,Pa.7-5-18 [males have fuller & larger antenna]
The beautiful Hickory Tussock Moth caterpillar [Lophocampa caryae] feeding on oak [Querus],Dauphin County,9-18-17
Banded Tussock Moth [Halysidota tessellaris] & Pale Tussock Moth [Caliteara pudibunda] caterpillars.Dauphin County,8-25-17
Wild Polyphemus Moth caterpillars [Antheraea polyphemus].Dauphin County,8-19-17.Feeding on Oak [Querus]
Newly hatched Luna Moth eggs [Actias luna].Feeding on Pignut Hickory [Carya glabra],captive rearing.Schuylkill County,8-15-17
Newly hatched Imperial Moth caterpillar,with in the last day.Captive rearing.[Eacles imperialis].Schuylkill County,8-15-17.Feeding on Eastern White Pine [Pinus strobus]
Polyphemus Moth caterpillar [Antheraea polyphemus].Dauphin County,8-13-17.Feeding on Oak leaf [Quercus]
Tiny wild Luna moth caterpillars [Actias luna] and the eggs [already opened] they would have come out of.Dauphin County,8-4-17.Eating Black Tupelo "Blackgum" [Nyssa sylvatica],found by good friend Jesse Babonis
Polyphemus Moth [Antheraea polyphemus].Dauphin County,7-28-17.
A late second brood female Luna moth.Dauphin County,7-28-17 [Actias luna]
Hummingbird Moth "Common Clearwing" [Hemaris thysbe].Dauphin County,7-9-17
Two different male Luna Moths [Actias luna].Dauphin County,7-9-17
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna].Dauphin County,7-9-17
Imperial Moth [Eacles imperialis],in the rain.Dauphin county,7-12-13
Male Io Moth [Automeris io].Dauphin county,6-6-14
Pink-Striped Oakworm Moth [Anisota virginiensis].Dauphin county,6-23-12.Notice the Rosy Maple Moth [Dryocampa rubicunda] in picture four.
Rosy Maple Moth [Dryocampa rubicunda].Dauphin county,6-23-12
Blinded Sphinx [Paonias excaecata].Dauphin county,7-28-13
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna],most likely first brood.Dauphin county,6-20-10
Imperial Moth [Eacles imperialis] & Rosy Maple moth [Dryocampa rubicunda].Dauphin county,7-21-13
Male Luna Moth [Actias luna],caught in a spider web.Dauphin county,7-11-14
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna],in rain.Dauphin county,7-31-09
Polphemus Moth [Antheraea polyphemus].Schuylkill county,7-6-12
Large yellowish green male Luna Moth [Actias luna],second brood.Dauphin county,7-15-14
Male Luna Moth [Actias luna],first brood.Dauphin county,6-6-14
Hummingbird Moth"Common Clearwing" [Hemaris thysbe].Dauphin county,7-22-16
Hummingbird Moth"Common Clearwing" [Hemaris thysbe].Dauphin county,7-22-16
Hummingbird Moth"Common Clearwing" [Hemaris thysbe].Dauphin county,7-22-16
Second brood Luna Moth [Actias luna],male.Notice the damage to his thorax,most likely occurred during emergence.He was missing at least one leg,probably more,very unstable roosting.But otherwise seemed to be doing very well.Dauphin county,7-11-16
After laying all their eggs and completing their life cycle,dying female Luna & Imperial moths [Actias luna&Eacles imperialis] [Luna moths only live about two weeks just long enough to mate and lay their eggs.They do not eat during this time].Dauphin county,7-14-13
Imperial Moths [Eacles imperialis].Dauphin county,7-14&28-13 & 8-3-13
First brood male [larger antennae] Luna Moth [Actias luna]. [Notice he is missing one of his right legs].Schuylkill county,6-15-15
First brood male [larger antennae] Luna Moth [Actias luna].Schuylkill county,6-15-15
First brood female Luna Moth [Actias luna], [first of the season] Dauphin county,6-12-15
Male Io Moth [Automeris io],Dauphin county,6-6-14
Imperial Moths [Eacles imperialis] mating,Dauphin county,7-13-14
Male [larger more feathery antennae] and female Luna Moths [Actias luna],[second brood].Dauphin county,6-30-13
Imperial Moth [Eacles imperialis].Eacles imperialis lives and grows under ground as a subterranean pupa,it comes out of the ground as a moth [there is no cocoon].Then it climbs up on vegetation [or anything handy] and inflates its wings,by pumping blood from their heart [located in their abdomen],through their arteries to the wings.Then the blood in the wings coagulates.Dauphin county,7-21-13.Notice the Rosy Maple Moth [Dryocampa rubicunda],that came while this was happening.The last two pictures are of a Eacles imperialis [on the ground],that also came in,most likely through sent.
Female Luna moth [Actias luna], [second brood] in rain.Dauphin county,7-31-09
Worn female Imperial Moth [Eacles imperialis] & male Luna Moth [Actias luna], [second brood,late in the season] Luna moths only live about two weeks,just long enough to mate.Dauphin county,7-25-14
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna].Dauphin county,7-15-12
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna].Dauphin county,7-21-13.Notice she is missing one of her two tails.
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna],severely damaged.Most likely occurred during emergence.Dauphin county,7-15-14