So long my dear beautiful girl"Tracie".The best friend anyone could ever hope to have.Thank you for being so patient and for being my best friend.We did so much and saw so many wonderful things together.I don't think I ever deserved you."I will miss you forever".The owner of the shelter where she came from, said it best when she said of Tracie "she had the sweetest soul".
"The best thing you ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously,its only life after all,yeah".From "Closer To Fine" by the Indigo Girls.
"The best thing you ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously,its only life after all,yeah".From "Closer To Fine" by the Indigo Girls.
4th Connecticut Lake.Coos county,N.H.,9-6-11
4th Connecticut Lake.Coos County,N.H.,9-6-11
"Tracie".Rescued May,2009 to March,3,2016
"Until We Meet Again"
"Until We Meet Again"