This Oak Leaf [Quercus] shows the ravages of some unknown insect, revealing the beautiful veining structure of the leaf. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-15-24
White Oak Leaves [Quercus alba]. Dauphin County Pa. 10-12-24
Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-6-24
White Oak leaf on a rainy dreary November day. [Quercus alba] Dauphin County, Pa.
Back lit Oak Leaf [Quercus] in the setting sun. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-10-23
Back lit Red Oak Leaf [Quercus rubra] in the setting sun. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-10-23
The skeletal remains of a Witch Hazel leaf [Hamamelis virginiana]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-15-23. After a year drought followed by rain and a devastating hail storm, then heat and drought again, this leaf finally succumbed to the ravages of some unknown insect. A year in the life of this one leaf and it still has a beauty all its own.
The beauty of a Black Gum Tree [Nyssa sylvatica] in fall . Dauphin County, Pa. 10-9-23
The beautiful fall leaves of the Black Gum Tree [Nyssa sylvatica]. Dauphin County, 10-6-23
The beautiful colors of a Black Gum Tree [Nyssa sylvatica]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-6-23. Notice a single berry or fruit of the tree, birds really love them, I have noticed Cedar Waxwings and Robins gorging themselves on these berries in the fall and seem to really depend on them at this time of year.
Sweet Birch leaf [Betula lenta]. Tioga County, Pa. 12-8-22
Chestnut Oak leaf skeleton. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-3-22
Sassafras Leaves in fall [Sassafras albium]. Dauiphin County, Pa. 10-16-22
From reds to yellows and orange and everything in between, there is nothing like the brilliant colors of the Black Gum Tree in fall.[Nyssa sylvatica] Dauphin County, Pa. 10-16-22.
American Chestnut [Castanea dentata]. Dauphin county, Pa. 10-14-22
American Chestnut [Castanea dentata]. Dauphin county, Pa. 10-14-22
Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-12-22
Skeleton of a Oak leaf [Quercus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 4-14-22. This Oak leaf was meticulously eaten by a caterpillar last summer. All that remains are veins making this perfect skeleton, showing us the intricate design and beauty of nature.
This is an example of a tiny young Rattlesnake Weed plant just starting to get veining on its new leaves. Notice the leaf at the top shows barely any veining at all, also notice the really long filaments ["Hairs"] and the new leaf unfurling in the center [complete with many filaments]. [Hieracium venosum], Dauphin County, Pa. 12-3-21. It would seem fall and winter are the growing times for this beautiful and unusual plant.
The beautiful foliage of Rattlesnake Weed in December [Hieracium vevosum]. This picture really shows off the deep reds and purples of the veining on the leaf. Dauphin County, Pa. 12-3-21. I have often wondered what purpose the "hairs" serve on this beautiful and interesting plant, which are longer and much more visible this time of year.
The beautiful foliage of Rattlesnake Weed, still vibrant in November, especially in the younger plants. [Hieracium venosum]. Dauphin County, Pa.
Witch Hazel Cone Gall Aphid [Hormaphis hamamelidis] has laid its eggs between the leaf structure of a Common Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana], leaf creating these unusual galls. Dauphin County, Pa.
Common Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana]. Fall colors and flowers, it wouldn't be fall without it! . Dauphin County, Pa. 10-16-21
New Sweet Birch leaf [Betula lenta].Dauphin County,Pa.5-12-20
Black Oak leaves [Quercus velutina].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19
Black Oak leaf [Quercus velutina].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19.The reason leaves fascinate me,isn't just their spectacular fall color,looking at them at this time of year you can see a story.All the battles the tree and it's leaves have fought all season long,from late frost to drought,disease and insects-it is all there if you just take the time to look.
American chestnut [Castanea dentata].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19
American Witchhazel [Hamamelis virginiana]in bud.Dauphin County,Pa.10-15-19.It wouldn't be fall to me without seeing the beautiful Witchhazel in Bloom,one of the very few plants you will see flowering in the fall
Maple Leaf in Fall.Dauphin County,Pa.10-30-18
Water drops on oak leaf.Dauphin County,Pa.6-20-18
New Northern Red Oak leaves [Quercus rubra].Dauphin County,Pa.5-11-18
White Oak Leaf [Quercus alba].Dauphin County,2-27-18.Still hanging on the tree from last fall.
Icicles on an American Holly [Ilex opaca].Dauphin County,2-11-18
Oak Leaves [Quercus] frozen in ice in a vernal pool,on a very cold December day [16 degrees].Dauphin County,12-29-17
White Oak leaves under ice [Quercus alba].Dauphin County,12-21-17
White Oak leaf [Quercus alba].Dauphin County,11-3-17
White Oak, in fall. [Quercus alba].Dauphin County,10-19-16
Birch leaf [Betula].Coos County,N.H.,9-6-16
Birch leaves [Betula].Coos County,N.H.,9-6-16
Rain drops on Sassafras leaves [Sassafras albidum].Dauphin county,9-28-16
Northern Red Oak[Quercus rubra],leaf[back lit].Schuylkill county,11-3-13
Pignut Hickory[Carya glabra],fallen leaves.Schuylkill county,11-3-13
Maple[Acer]leaf.Coos County,N.H.9-10-09
Maple[Acer]leaf.On West Branch Rattling Creek.Dauphin county,10-30-08
White Oak[Quercus alba],leaves[snow melt drops].Dauphin county,10-6-08
Leaf , West Branch Rattling Creek.Dauphin county,11-30-13
Fall leaves on the West branch Rattling creek.Dauphin county,10-3-13&11-30-13
Fallen Hickory and Oak leaves.Mahantongo valley,Schuylkill county,11-3-13
Pignut Hickory[Carya glabra].Schuylkill county,11-3-13