Seeds And Seed Pods
Chestnut Oak Acorn caps [Quercus montana]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-7-22
Chestnut Oak Acorns [Quercus montana]. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-24-22
Native Strawberry [Fragaria virginiana] Coos County, N.H. 7-6-22. My favorite color for these, when the seeds are red and the fruit is white and not quite ripe [red].
The fruit of Two Leaved Miterwort [Mitella diphylla]. Coos County, N.H. 7-5-22. Also known as Bishop's Cap
An individual seed of from Bluestem Goldenrod [Solidago caesia]. Tioga County, Pa. 12-17-21. The pappus [the feathery filaments] help the seed which is inside the fruit or achene, disperse on the wind.
Miterwort, Bishop's Cap [Mitella diphylla] in seed. Coos County, N.H. 7-11-21
Miterwort, Bishop's Cap [Mitella diphylla] in seed. Coos County, N.H. 7-11-21
Common Strawberry, Wild Strawberry [Fragaria virginiana]. Coos County, N.H. 7-10-21
Dogbane in seed [Apocynum cannabinum].Dauphin County,Pa.3-20-21
Penstemon calyx seed pods.Tioga County,Pa.12-11-20.
Penstemon calyx seed pods.Tioga County,Pa.12-11-20.
Tall Thimbleweed [Anemone virginiana] in seed.Tioga County,Pa.12-11-20
Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima] in seed.Tioga County,Pa.12-13-20
Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima] in seed.Tioga County,Pa.12-13-20
Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima].Tioga County,Pa.12-13-20
Butterfly Weed in seed [Asclepias tuberosa].Schuylkill County,Pa.10-10-20
Wild Raisin [Viburnum nudum also cassinoides].Schuylkill County,Pa.9-19-20.Birds are attracted to the fruit in winter when all the seeds are dark blue and shriveled,like a raisin
Virgin's Bower [Clematis virginiana] in fruit.Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Oyster Plant,Salsify [Tragopogon porrifolius].Dauphin County,Pa.7-4-20.Nature's Fireworks!
Oyster Plant,salsify [Tragopogon porrifolius].Dauphin County,Pa.7-4-20
Nature's fireworks,Oyster Plant,salsify [Tragopogon porrifolius].Dauphin County,Pa.7-4-20."It's roots can be boiled and eaten,and their taste is somewhat like that of oysters.The spring leaves can be used in salads or cooked as greens."From the book,National Audubon Society Field Guide To North American WildFlowers.
Tall GoldenRod in seed [Solidago altissima].Schuylkill County,Pa.11-10-19
Common Milkweed seeds [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19
Common Milkweed seed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19
Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19-This has to be one of my favorite Milkweed pictures,the lighting gives it such a soft look
Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19
Milkweed in seed.Dauphin County,Pa.10-25-19 [Asclepias syriaca]
Winter beauty on a very cold winters day.Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium] in seed.Dauphin County,Pa.1-31-19
Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium] in seed.Dauphin County,Pa.1-15-19
Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium] in seed.Dauphin County,Pa.1-15-19
Indian Grass in seed [sorghastrum nutans].Dauphin County,Pa.1-11-19
Little Bluestem grass in seed [Schizachyrium scoparium].Dauphin County,Pa.1-11-19
Beautiful Little Bluestem grass in seed [Schizachyrim scoparium].Dauphin County,Pa.1-1-19
Spreading Dogbane seeds [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.4-14-18
Spreading Dogbane seeds [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.4-14-18
Spreading Dogbane seeds [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.4-14-18
Common Milkweed seed pods [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.3-26-18.Even empty they are still so beautiful!Which is your favorite?
Spreading Dogbane seeds [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.3-26-18
Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.3-8-18
Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.3-18-18
Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,Pa.3-18-18
Empty Common Milkweed seed pods.Dauphin County,3-4-18
Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium].Dauphin County,2-18-18
Spreading Dogbane [Apocynum androsaemifolium] in seed.Dauphin County,2-3-18
Virgin's Bower [Clematis virginiana].'Wild Clematis'.Dauphin County,1-30-18
Spreading Dogbane[Apocynum androsaemifolium] seed pods,Dauphin county,4-24-15
Unknown Goldenrod in seed.Dauphin County,12-21-17
Virgin's Bower [Clematis virginiana].Tioga County,12-8-17
Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima] in seed.Tioga County,12-11-15.Much maligned for giving people hayfever in the fall,it does not pollinate through the air.
Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,10-17-17
Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,9-22-17
Milkweed[Asclepias scriaca],empty seed pods.Dauphin county,2-16-09
Milkweed[Asclepias scriaca],seed.Dauphin county,10-31-08
Soft Rush[Juncus effusus],in seed.Dauphin county,10-31-08
Common Milkweed[Asclepias scriaca].Dauphin county,12-31-12
Tall Goldenrod[Solidago altissima] in seed.Tioga county,12-11-15
Oyster Plant[Tragopogon porrifolius].Schuylkill county,7-30-15
Blue flag Iris[Iris versicolor] seed pods.Boundary pond,Coos county,N.H.9-14-11
Common Milkweed[Asclepias syriaca] seed pods,Dauphin county,12-31-12
Spreading Dogbane[Apocynum androsaemifolium] seed pods,Dauphin county,4-24-15
Common Milkweed[Asclepias syriaca] seed pods,Dauphin county,10-31-08
Virgin's Bower[Clematis virginiana].Dauphin county,12-24-13
Virgin's Bower[Clematis virginiana].Schuylkill county,11-3-13
Oyster Plant[Tragopogon porrifolius] .Dauphin county,7-5-13
Common Milkweed[Asclepias syriaca],Dauphin county,10-31-08
Virgin's Bower[Clematis virginiana] .Schuylkill county,11-3-13
Common Milkweed[Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin county,12-31-12
Virgin's Bower[Clematis virginiana].Schuylkill county,11-3-13