Dragonflies And Damselflies
Autumn Meadowhawks [Sympetrum vicinum]. Cheboygan County, Michigan. 9-17-24
Autumn Meadowhawks [Sympetrum vicinum]. Cheboygan County, Michigan. 9-17-24
Autumn Meadowhawks [Sympetrum vicinum] Cheboygan County, Michigan. 9-18-24.
Autumn Meadowhawks [Sympetrum vicinum] Cheboygan County, Michigan. 9-18-24.
Male Autumn Meadowhawk [Sympetrum vicinum]. Luzurne Couny, Pa. 9-2-24
Female Calico Pennant [Celithemis elisa]. Luzerne County, Pa. 9-2-24
Male Band-winged Meadowhawk (Sympetrum semicinctum). Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-23-24
Male Band-winged Meadowhawk (Sympetrum semicinctum). Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-23-24
Male Band-winged Meadowhawk (Sympetrum semicinctum). Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-23-24
Female Halloween Pennant [Celithemis eponina]. Clearwater County, Mn. 7-12-24
Female White-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrusum). Cass County, Mn. 7-14-24.
Female White-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrusum). Cass County, Mn. 7-14-24.
Female White-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrusum). Cass County, Mn. 7-14-24.
Female Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa). Clearwater County, Mn. 7-11-24.
Female Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata). Polk County, Mn. 7-12-24.
Female Four-spotted Skimmer (Libellula quadrimaculata). Polk County, Mn. 7-12-24.
Male Yellow-sided Skimmer (Libellula flavida). Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-23-24.
Male Yellow-sided Skimmer (Libellula flavida). Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-23-24.
Female Common Whitetail (Plathemis lydia). Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-23-24
Female Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum). Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-23-24
Female Common Whitetail [Plathemis lydia]. Luzerne County, Pa. 6-27-24
Female Common Whitetail [Plathemis lydia]. Dauphin County, Pa. 6-20-24
Female Common Whitetail [Plathemis lydia]. Luzerne County, Pa. 6-7-24
Female Spangled Skimmer [Libellula cyanea]. Luzerne County, Pa. 6-7-24
Male Twelve Spotted Skimmer [Libellula pulchella]. Luzerne County, Pa. 6-7-24
Four Spotted Skimmer [Libellula quadrimaculata]. Luzerne County, Pa. 6-7-24
One of Pennsylvania's largest dragonflies,a beautiful female Swamp Darner [Epiaeschna heros].Ovipositing [laying her eggs].Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-19
One of Pennsylvania's largest dragonflies,a beautiful female Swamp Darner [Epiaeschna heros].Ovipositing [laying her eggs].Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-19
One of Pennsylvania's largest dragonflies,a beautiful female Swamp Darner [Epiaeschna heros].Ovipositing [laying her eggs].Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-19
Female Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa). Luzerne County, Pa. 6-7-24
Female Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa). Luzerne County, Pa. 6-7-24
Male Great Blue Skimmer [Libellula vibrans]. Luzerne County, Pa. 6-7-24
Female [brown form] Familiar Bluet (Enallagma civile). Caught on a Round Leaved Sundew plant [Drosera rotundifolia]. New York. 6-7-17
This female [brown form] and male Familiar Bluet (Enallagma civile), were once flying in tandem when they were both caught in separate sticky leaves from the same Round Leaved Sundew plant [Drosera rotundifolia]. New York. 6-7-17
Female Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa). Luzerne County, Pa. 6-9-22
Female Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa). Luzerne County, Pa. 6-9-22
Female Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa). Luzerne County, Pa. 6-9-22
The beautiful Green of a female Eastern pond Hawk [Erythemis simplicicollis]. South Central, Pa. 6-18-22. The males of this species are a dull powdery blue color.
The beautiful Green of a female Eastern pond Hawk [Erythemis simplicicollis]. South Central, Pa. 6-18-22. The males of this species are a dull powdery blue color.
The beautiful Green of a female Eastern pond Hawk [Erythemis simplicicollis]. One of the most aggressive of all dragonflies, in the last four pictures she has caught a large bee and is eating it alive. South Central, Pa. 6-18-22. The males of this species are a dull powdery blue color.
Autumn Meadowhawk [Sympetrum vicinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-14-23. Sympetrum vicinum is last of the Dragonflies to still be flying, this one was seen in mid November, found on top of a mountain well away from water.
Autumn Meadowhawk [Sympetrum vicinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-14-23. Sympetrum vicinum is last of the Dragonflies to still be flying, this one was seen in mid November, found on top of a mountain well away from water.
Autumn Meadowhawk [Sympetrum vicinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-14-23. Sympetrum vicinum is last of the Dragonflies to still be flying, this one was seen in mid November, found on top of a mountain well away from water.
A georgeous fall dragon fly, Female Common Green Darner [Anax junius]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23. Found well away from any water on a warm fall day. The easiest way to distinguish this dragon fly is the black “T” spot on the frons (forehead).
A georgeous fall dragon fly, Female Common Green Darner [Anax junius] . Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23. Found well away from any water on a warm fall day. The easiest way to distinguish this dragon fly is the black “T” spot on the frons (forehead).
Female Blue Dasher [Pachydiplax longipennis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-27-22
Female Blue Dasher [Pachydiplax longipennis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-27-22
Female Blue Dasher [Pachydiplax longipennis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-27-22
Female Blue Dasher [Pachydiplax longipennis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-27-22
Female Blue Dasher [Pachydiplax longipennis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-27-22
Female Common Whitetail [Plathemis lydia]. South Central, Pa. 6-18-22
Female Common Whitetail [Plathemis lydia]. South Central, Pa. 6-18-22
Female Common Whitetail [Plathemis lydia]. South Central, Pa. 6-18-22
The beautiful Green of a female Eastern pond Hawk [Erythemis simplicicollis]. One of the most aggressive of all dragonflies, in the last four pictures she has caught a large bee and is eating it alive. South Central, Pa. 6-18-22. The males of this species are a dull powdery blue color.
Female Lancet Clubtail (Phanogomphus exilis). Dauphin County, Pa. 6-9-22
Female Lancet Clubtail (Phanogomphus exilis). Dauphin County, Pa. 6-9-22
Male Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans). Dauphin County, Pa. 6-9-22
Female Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa). Luzerne County, Pa. 6-9-22
Female Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa). Luzerne County, Pa. 6-9-22
Female Calico Pennant (Celithemis elisa). Luzerne County, Pa. 6-9-22
Male Belted Whiteface [Leuchorinia proximia]. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-21
Twelve Spotted Skimmer [Libellula pulchella].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
One of Pennsylvania's largest dragonflies,a beautiful female Swamp Darner [Epiaeschna heros].Ovipositing [laying her eggs].Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-19
One of Pennsylvania's largest dragonflies,a beautiful female Swamp Darner [Epiaeschna heros].Ovipositing [laying her eggs].Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-19
One of Pennsylvania's largest dragonflies,a beautiful female Swamp Darner [Epiaeschna heros].Ovipositing [laying her eggs].Dauphin County,Pa.5-28-19
Female Painted Skimmer [Libellula semifasciata].Dauphin County,Pa.5-16-19
Male Great Blue Skimmer [libellula vibrans].Perry County,Pa.6-20-18
Female Common Whitetail dragonfly [Plathemis lydia].Dauphin County,Pa.5-21-18
A beautiful Damselfly nymph,notice the 3 feather-shaped gills at the end of the abdomen.Dauphin County,2-27-18
Common Whitetail [Libellula lydia].Dauphin County,8-19-17
Female Spangled Skimmer [Libellula cyanea].Schuylkill County,7-21-17 [it is the only dragonfly in this area with white stigmas]
Meadowhawk [Sympetrum].Schuylkill County,7-21-17
Nymph of an unknown darner [dragonfly] [Anax].Perry County,6-2-17
Male [blue] & Female Familiar Bluets damselflies [Enallagma civile],caught on Round-leaved Sundew [Drosera rotundifolia] [Carnivorous plant].New York,6-3-17
One of Pennsylvania's largest dragonflies,the beautiful Swamp Darner [Epiaeschna heroes].Female ovipositing [laying eggs].Dauphin County,5-19-17
Unknown Clubtail [Gomphidae],Dragonfly larvae.Coos county,N.H.,9-9-16
Meadowhawk [Sympetrum].Coos county,N.H.,9-7-16
White-faced Meadowhawk [Symptrum obtrussum],female.Coos county,N.H.,9-10-09
Painted Skimmer [Libellula semifasciata],female.Dauphin county,5-19-14
Slaty Skimmer [Libellula incesta],female.Schuylkill county,7-11-12
Slaty Skimmer [Libellula incesta],male.Schuylkill county,7-11-12
Meadowhawk [Sympetrum].Schuylkill county,7-11-12
Hallloween pennant [Celithemis eponina],male.Schuylkill county,7-11-12
Twelve-spotted Skimmer [Libellula pulchella].Schuylkill county,7-11-12
Spangled Skimmer [Libellula cyanea],male.Dauphin county,7-2-12
Ashy Clubtail [Gomphus lividus].Dauphin county,5-16-16
Ashy Clubtail [Gomphus lividus].Dauphin county,5-16-16
Female Arrow Clubtail [Stylers spiniceps] 1st two pictures. Twin Spotted Spiketail [Cordulegaster maculata] 2nd two pictures.Tioga county,5-24-08
Female White Tail [Plathemis lydia].Montour county,5-31-10
Twin-Spotted Spiketail [Cordulegaster maculata]].Dauphin county,6-7-12
Southern Pygmy Clubtail [Lanthus vernalis].Tioga county,6-13-09
Male Chalk-Fronted Corporal [Libellula julia].Schuylkill county;6-30-13
Seepage Dancer [Argia bipunctulata],male. Varible [Violet] Dancer [Argia fumipennis],male.Both pictures,Schuylkill county,7-1-16
Ashy Clubtail [Gomphus lividus].Dauphin county,5-16-16
Golden- winged Skimmer [Libellula auripennis].Schuylkill county,6-6-12