Mushroom and Trailing Arbutus [Epigaea repens]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-27-24
Painted Suillus [Suillus spraguei]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-6-24
Violet Webcap [Cortinarius violaceus]. Coos County, N.H.. 9-9-17
Violet Webcap [Cortinarius violaceus]. Coos County, N.H.. 9-9-17
Violet Webcap [Cortinarius violaceus]. Coos County, N.H.. 9-9-17
Violet Webcap [Cortinarius violaceus]. Coos County, N.H.. 9-9-17
Violet Webcap [Cortinarius violaceus]. Coos County, N.H.. 9-9-17
Violet Webcap [Cortinarius violaceus]. Coos County, N.H.. 9-9-17
The beauty of Turkey Tail Mushroom [Trametes versicolor]. Dauphin county, Pa. 9-29-23
Common Earthball [Scleroderma citrinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-29-23
Mushrooms breaking the surface. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-13-23
Painted Bolete [Suillus spraguei]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-3-23
Hemlock Reishi. (Ganoderma tsugae]. Adams County, Pa. 6-3-23
Redbelt Tree fungi [Fomitopsis pinicola]. Adams County, Pa. 6-3-23
Fairy Helmet [Mycena inclinata]. Labanon County, Pa. 11-12-22.
Fairy Helmet [Mycena inclinata]. Labanon County, Pa. 11-12-22.
Fairy Helmet [Mycena inclinata]. Labanon County, Pa. 11-12-22.
Fairy Helmet [Mycena inclinata]. Labanon County, Pa. USA 11-12-22.
Fringed Earthstar [Geastrum fimbriatum]. Schuylkill County, Pa, 11-2-22
Redbelt Tree fungi [Fomitopsis pinicola]. Coos County, N.H. 7-10-22. I really love shadows, in this case, the shadows of Balsam Fir needles.
Vermillion Waxycap [Hygrocybe miniata]. Coos County, N.H. 7-11-21
Vermillion Waxycap [Hygrocybe miniata]. Coos County, N.H. 7-11-21
Viscid violet Cort [Cortinarius iodes]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-31-21
Viscid violet Cort [Cortinarius iodes]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-31-21
Viscid violet Cort [Cortinarius iodes]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-31-21
Coral Spindle[Clavulinopsis fusiformis].Dauphin County,Pa.7-8-19
Salmon Pinkgill [Entoloma salmoneum].Coos County,N.H.9-10-18
Salmon Pinkgill [Entoloma salmoneum].Coos County,N.H.9-10-18
Witch's Hat {Hygrophorrus conicus].Coos County,N.H.9-10-18
Mushrooms.Coos County,N.H.9-10-18
Unknown mushroom.Coos County,N.H.9-7-18 [It really smelled bad!].I call it "old man of the forest",it really has some character!
Shaggy Bear [Lactarius represtaneus].Coos County,N.H.9-15-18
The beautiful Violet Webcap [Cortinarius violaceus].Coos County,N.H.9-7-18
The beautiful Violet Webcap [Cortinarius violaceus].Coos County,N.H.9-7-18
The beautiful Viscid Violet Cort [Cortinarius iodes].Schuylkill County,Pa.8-22-18.
Unknown Chanterelle Mushroom,Coos County,N.H.9-16-17
Lilac-Gill Fairy Helmet [Mycena lilacifolia].Dauphin County,8-21-17
Magenta Coral [Clavaria zollingeri] fungi.Dauphin County,7-28-17
Lilac Fairy Helmet [Mycena pura].Schuylkill County,7-28-17
Unknown mushroom.Coos County,N.H.,9-12-16
Unknown Mushroom.Coos County,N.H.,9-5-16
Unknown mushroom.Coos county,N.H.,9-5-16
Unknown Mushrooms.Coos county,N.H.,9-5-16
Coos county,N.H.,9-17-08
Coos county,N.H.,9-17-08
Coos county,N.H.,9-12-10
Coos county,N.H.,9-12-09
Pear Puffball[Lycoperdon pyriforme].Dauphin county,9-16-09
Bleeding Fairy Helmet[Mycena haematopus].Coos county,N.H.,9-6-11
Fly Agaric[Amanita muscaria].Dauphin county,7-27-10
Coos county,N.H.9-5-14
Coos county,N.H.,9-1-15
Coos county,N.H.,9-1-15
Coos county,N.H.,9-1-15
Coos county,N.H.9-5-15
Coos county,N.H. 9-1-15
Coos county,N.H.,9-8-11
Coos county,N.H.9-5-14
Schuylkill county,6-3-13
Common Morel[Morchella esculenta].Perry county,5-8-15
Sharpscales[Pholiota vernalis].Coos county,N.H.,9-7-14
Coos county,N.H.,9-8-11 Yellow Waxycap.Coos county,N.H.9-8-11 Perry county,5-27-13
Coos county,N.H.,9-8-11
Chanterelles[Cantharellaceae], Boundary pond,Coos county,N.H.9-12-11
Coos county,N.H.9-1-14
Dauphin county,5-12-12
Dauphin county,5-19-14
Schuylkill county,6-16-14
Coral Spindle[Clavulinopsis fusiformis].Dauphin county,8-16-13 Tioga county,6-24-11
Tioga county,6-17-11
Common Morel[Morchella esculenta].Perry county,4-20-12