Miscellaneous[This and that]
Female Common Crayfish [Cambarus bartonii bartonii]. Tioga County, Pa. 12-7-23 [Above & Below]
New York Scalewort [Frullania eboracensis] on White Birch Tree [Betula papyrifera]. Northeastern, Pa. In the family of Liverworts.
The skeletal remains of a Witch Hazel leaf [Hamamelis virginiana]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-15-23. After a year drought followed by rain and a devastating hail storm, then heat and drought again, this leaf finally succumbed to the ravages of some unknown insect. A year in the life of this one leaf and it still has a beauty all its own.
Sammy's turn to check out the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. Tioga County, Pa. 4-3-23
Maddie cautiously checking out the Grand Canyon Of Pennsylvania for the first time! Tioga County, Pa. 4-3-23
The amazing Fairy Shrimp [Anostraca]. Pa. 2-10-23. An excellent food source for many vernal pool creatures, including salamander larvae.
Tree burls. Dauphin County, Pa.
A Pine Needle caught in a Huckleberry bush, on a November day. Dauphin County, Pa. 11-3-22. I was really happy with the light and colors in the background, that's what I love about photography, you just never know and surprises are always welcome!
Although not native I am always struck by this plant that towers up to 6 feet tall with its huge tobacco like leaves. The birds really seem to like the seeds in winter especially Gold Finches. I was surprised to see this plant still held on to one off its beautiful flowers so late in the year. It is a biannual, flowering the second year. I never get over its incredible growth rate in the summer." It was imported in the mid-1700s by colonies in Virginia and was used as a piscicide, a chemical substance that is poisonous to fish. and also for its medicenial properties". Common Mullein [Verbascum thapsus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-16-22. Be warned if you ever plant this in your yard it will everywhere in the blink of an eye and plants will still be coming up years after you thought you had gotten ride of it!
Scarlet Oak acorn [ Quercus cocciner]. Dauphin county, Pa. 10-5-22
Pinesap [Monotropa hypopitys]. Coos County, N.H. 7-15-21
Common Strawberry, Wild Strawberry [Fragaria virginiana]. Coos County, N.H. 7-10-21
Wild Grape,Fox Grapes [Vitis].Tioga County,Pa.9-17-20.The taste was somewhere between awful and terrible[very sour].Beautiful color though.The Cedar Waxwings were really having a great time eating them!
Sam checking out the Grand Canyon Of Pennsylvania.Tioga County,Pa.9-18-20
Molly checking out the Grand Canyon Of Pennsylvania.Tioga County,Pa.9-18-20
Schooner.September 2019.Provincetown,Cape Cod,Mass.
My girls Molly And Sam first time at the ocean-it was a hit!Cape Cod National Seashore.September 2019
My girls Molly And Sam first time at the ocean-it was a hit!Cape Cod National Seashore.September 2019
Fingernail Clam [Mollusca bivalvia].Montour County,Pa.4-17-19
Spring stream.Dauphin County,Pa.4-4-19
Balsam Fir seedling [Abies balsamea].Coos County,N.H.9-5-18
Brook Trout [Salvelinus fontinalis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-4-18
Harvest time,wheat.Dauphin County,Pa.6-21-18
My salamander hunting assistant,niece and friend "Emily".Tioga County,Pa.5-18-18
My girls Molly & Sam checking out the view of the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon.Tioga County,Pa.5-5-18
My photographic tank and some of my equipment.If you look close you can see a Northern Red Salamander larvae in the tank.Perry County,Pa.3-30-18
Our girl Sammy with our niece.Sam is a Leopard Catahoula mix rescued from a high kill shelter in Alabama.Fostered in Washington D.C. And almost two years ago she came into our house.Not long after we rescued her she became very sick she could hardly lift her head and when I took her to the vet I never thought I would see her alive again.After preforming emergency surgery they found cloth impacted in her stomach and intestines.They told me that this was bad and after removing all the material [probably from a toy we had giving her],they weren't sure she would make it.After several weeks at the vet,[we went on a scheduled vacation and thought since her stitches were still in the best thing to do was to let the vet board her so they could keep an eye on her.They even sent use updates and pictures of Sammy's progress when we were up in New Hampshire!].That was a year and a year and a half ago and as you can see she is doing great-we love her so and her and Molly are best friends.It was a lot but worth every penny.The unbelievable thing was my wife had signed them both up for insurance right before it happen,but it takes a month to kick in,so we couldn't use it!You can't write something like that.When the Vet opened her up he found a shotgun pellet in her.She is the second dog we have rescued that had pellets in them,what terrible life some of these dogs must have and it's a great feeling to rescue a dog from almost certainly a dark future,I encourage everyone to think about rescuing a dog!1-20-18
The sisters Molly & Sam out for a hike,you can see Molly's shed on the snow in the last picture [in the background].Dauphin County,1-19-18
Molly found a shed,holy cow I couldn't believe it!Dauphin County,1-19-18.She was so proud!
Molly and Sam exploring Jenkins Hollow,Tioga County,12-7-17
A friend of mine son and his very first salamander and he found it all by himself!Dauphin County,9-30-17.Eastern Red-back.
Molly & Sam hiking on the Blackwell Trail.Tioga County,12-09-16
Molly found a deer bone.Coos County,N.H.,9-12-16
Molly's first trip to New Hampshire,what a wonderful girl & buddy!Coos County,N.H.,9-4 & 5-16
"Orchid Hunters",Mother,Bev and Tracie.Dauphin county,5-24-14
Bev and Tracie.Coos county,N.H.,9-13-10
"Best Friends",Tracie and Buddy.Coos county,N.H.,9-13-10
Tracie found a Moose bone.Coos county,N.H.,9-12-10
Old camp.Dauphin county,5-12-12
Bev and Tracie,East Inlet.Coos county,N.H.,9-16-09
Coos county,N.H.,9-10-10
Fossils in rock[slate].Schuylkill county,8-1-14
Dauphin county,3-17-09
Old spring house,Minnich's Hit.Dauphin county,10-30-08
Orchid author and expert,and good friend, Paul Martin Brown.Taking pictures of Auricled twayblade.Coos county,N.H.7-6-15
Orchid friends&Teachers,Diane&Paul.Coos county,N.H.7-7-15
Molly & Sam, their first swim together.West branch,Dauphin county.5-9-16[look close to find Molly in the woods]
Molly's first swim! With her new friend[Love!] Ralphie.Dauphin county,2-20-16.Notice Ralphie is just walking Molly has to swim to keep up!
December trip to Tioga county,2015.Old dynamite shacks,Bev and the girls at the Grand canyon of Pennsylvania[Bradley Wales],Molly checking out the view,Tracie showing Molly the ropes.
Tracie and our new girl Molly.Schuylkill county.9-19-15
Tracie.Coos county,N.H.7-14-15
Tracie orchid hunting.Dauphin county,5-6-12
My orchid hunting girls.Coos county, N.H.,9-9-14 Unusual mark on rock.[man made?].Coos county,N.H.9-6-11
Tracie.Coos county,N.H.9-14-09
Campers.Tioga county,9-13-13.Mothers last trip to Tioga county.
Camp fire.Tioga county,9-13-13
Brother John and Daisy.Dauphin county,1-2-10 Brother John and Tracie fishing.6-13-09
Mother and Dad.Dauphin county,10-9-09
Bev and our dear missed friend Haley.Grand canyon of Pennsylvania,Tioga county,5-25-08
Halloween!Schuylkill county,10-19-13
General Edward Hand's[Revolutionary war] house.Lancaster,9-4-13