A sure sign of the changing of the seasons, white, then dark pink and finally into a shreiveled purple. Hence the name "Wild Rasin" and birds and other wildlife love them! [Cassinoides nudum]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 9-2-24
Sandhill Cranes [Antigone canadensis]. Clearwater County, Mn. 7-12-24
Sandhill Cranes [Antigone canadensis]. Clearwater County, Mn. 7-12-24
Sandhill Cranes [Antigone canadensis]. Clay County, Mn. 7-12-24
Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak [Pheucticus Iudovicianus]. Clearwater County, Mn. 7-11-24
Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak [Pheucticus Iudovicianus] feeding young. Clearwater County, Mn. 7-11-24
In the company of the magnificent Yellow Rail [Coturnicops noveboracensis] on the prairie of western Minnesota. The clicking sound you hear is its call, perhaps in the middle of five individuals and at times right at out feet, it was never seen. This secretive and elusive bird, no bigger than a soft ball, is almost never seen. What a privilege to be in the company of this amazing creature. 7-12-24
In the company of the magnificent Yellow Rail [Coturnicops noveboracensis] on the prairie of western Minnesota. The clicking sound you hear is its call, perhaps in the middle of five individuals and at times right at out feet, it was never seen. This secretive and elusive bird, no bigger than a soft ball, is almost never seen. What a privilege to be in the company of this amazing creature. 7-12-24
Last night while walking a dirt road I noticed that the road was covered by millipede type insects, when I rounded a bend in the road and into a bird I was not familiar with. It was beautiful with a large beak and over sized feet. At first I thought I was looking at a Woodcock, but quickly realized that this was something totally different. It was picking off the millipede insects. I watched it for quite sometime before ambled off the road and in no great hurry. It never cared that I was there. I sure was grateful for this once in a lifetime encounter with amazing bird!
Virginia Rail [Rallus limicola],Dauphin county,Pa.5-1-17
Virginia Rail [Rallus limicola],Dauphin county,Pa.5-1-17
Last night while walking a dirt road I noticed that the road was covered by millipede type insects, when I rounded a bend in the road and into a bird I was not familiar with. It was beautiful with a large beak and over sized feet. At first I thought I was looking at a Woodcock, but quickly realized that this was something totally different. It was picking off the millipede insects. I watched it for quite sometime before ambled off the road and in no great hurry. It never cared that I was there. I sure was grateful for this once in a lifetime encounter with amazing bird!
Virginia Rail [Rallus limicola],Dauphin county,Pa.5-1-17
Virginia Rail [Rallus limicola],Dauphin county,Pa.5-1-17
Male Whip-Poor-Will [Caprimulgus vociferus]. Dauphin County, Pa.
Male [left] & Female [right] Whip-Poor-Will [Caprimulgus vociferus]. Dauphin County, Pa.
Coopers Hawk [Accipiter cooperii]. Schuylkill County, Pa. Drawn in to my Bird feeders.
Hermit Thrush "Way" call [Catharus guttatus]. Tioga County, Pa. 12-10-23
American Brant Geese [Branta bernicla hrota] seen in a open field [winter wheat] east of Millersburg in Dauphin County, Pa. 11-1-23
Fruit of the Sassafras Tree [Sassafras albidum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-3-23. A great food source for migrating birds at this time of year, along with the fruit of the Black Gum Tree [Nyssa sylvatica].
Black Gum Tree [Nyssa sylvatica] fruit. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-6-23 Birds really love them, I have observed Cedar Waxwings and Robins gorging themselves on these berries in the fall and seem to really depend on them at this time of year.
Owl pellet, Schuylkill County, Pa. 5-1-23. Owls swallow prey whole such as mice and voles, and later regurgitate what is left after it has been digested. You can see the tiny bones and hair.
September Whip-poor-will and Katydids. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-15-22. Turn up the sound!
Bird tracks in the snow. Dauphin County, Pa. January, 2022
A Solitary Turkey track in the snow. Dauphin County, Pa. 1-22-22
Must be spring I have a American Robin in the yard [Turdus migratorius].Schuylkill County,Pa.1-29-21.Current Temperature 24 degrees
Wild Grapes,Fox Grapes [Vitus] Tioga County,Pa.9-17-20.Picture shows grapes after Cedar Waxwings were feeding on them,and as soon as I left they were back at the grapes again!
Wild Raisin [Viburnum nudum also cassinoides].Schuylkill County,Pa.9-19-20.Birds are attracted to the fruit in winter when all the seeds are dark blue and shriveled,like a raisin
The beautiful haunting sound of the Veery Thrush [Catharus fuscescens].Tioga County,Pa.6-15-19
Whip-Poor-Will [Caprimulgus vociferus].Dauphin County,Pa.5-11-19
Wood Thrush [Hylocichla mustelina].Dauphin County,Pa.5-11-19
Whip-Poor-Will [Caprimulgus vociferus].Dauphin County,Pa.5-11-19.You can actually here two,and there were many others in the distance,it was a great night!
The baby doves have fledged and they are always together,Snug as bugs!Schuylkill County,Pa.4-18-19
Eastern Towhee [Pipilo erythrophthalmus].Schuylkill County,Pa.5-17-18
Green Heron [Butorides virescens].Tioga County,Pa.5-5-18
Unknown bird tracks in the snow.Dauphin County,1-9-18
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker [Sphyrapicus varius] holes on an apple tree.Tioga County,12-7-17
Woodcock and Woodcock tracks in a small stream [Philohela minor].Coos County,N.H.9-16-17
A picture taken by Terry Sherman in November of 2015.Shows a Rufous Hummingbird [Selasphotus rufus] taken in Lykens,Dauphin County,Pa.
Last night while walking a dirt road I noticed that the road was covered by millipede type insects,when I rounded a bend in the road and into a bird I was not familiar with.It was beautiful with a large beak and over sized feet.At first I thought I was looking at a Woodcock,but quickly realized that this was something totally different.It was picking off the millipede insects.I watched for quite sometime before ambled off the road and in no great hurry.It never cared that I was there.I sure was grateful for this once in a lifetime encounter with amazing bird!
Virginia Rail [Rallus limicola],Dauphin county,Pa.5-1-17
Virginia Rail [Rallus limicola],Dauphin county,Pa.5-1-17
Fox Sparrow [Passerella iliaca].Schuylkill County,3-15-17
Sandpiper,Greater Yellowlegs [Tringa melanoleuca].Coos County,N.H.,9-7-16
Female Spruce Grouse [Falcipennis canadensis].Coos county,N.H.,9-12-16
Unknown Duck.Coos county,N.H.,9-10-11
Common Loon [Gavia immer],with young.2nd Connecticut Lake,Coos county,N.H.,9-7-11
Cedar Waxwings [Bombycilla cedrorum].Schuylkill county,3-6-14
Female Mallards [Anas platyrhynchos].Coos county,N.H.,9-16-09
White-winged Crossbill [Loxia leucoptera],male.Schuylkill county,2-3-09
White-Winged Crossbill [Loxia leucoptera],male & female.Schuylkill county,2-3-09
Morning Dove [Zenaida macroura].Cape May,12-11-08
Carolina Wren [Thrythorus ludovicianus].Cape May,12-11-08
Ruffed grouse [Bonasa umbellus].Coos county,N.H.,9-9-10
Fox Sparrow [Passerella iliaca].Cape May,12-9-10
Red-Tailed Hawk [Buteo jamaicensis]with one eye,caught a squirrel.Cape May.12-9-10
Feeding [peanut pieces],Eastern Bluebird [Sialia sialis].Schuylkill county,1-21-12
Female Common Mergansers [Mergus merganser].Coos county,N.H.,9-2-12
Female Rose-Breasted Grosbeak [Pheucticus ludovicianus].Schuylkill county,5-1-11
Cedar Waxwings [Bombycilla cedrorum],feeding on Wild Strawberry's [Fragaria virginiana].Coos county,N.H. 7-4-15
Cedar Waxwing [Bombycilla cedrorum].Schuylkill county,3-7-14 [notice picture 7 & 8,eating Mountain Winterberries [Ilex montana].
Male [on left] & female Whip-poor-will [Caprimulgus vociferus].Dauphin county,5-10-15
Black- throated Green Warbler [Dendroica virens] nest.Coos county,N.H.9-10-14
Eastern Phoebe [Sayornis phoebe] babies in nest.Potter county,6-12-10
Unknown bird nest on ground.Dauphin county,6-14-14
Verry [Catharus fuscescens] nest. Dauphin county,5-12-12
Mallard [Anas platyrhynchos] nest.Schuylkill county,6-9-13
Male and female Ruby-throated Hummingbird [Archilochus colubris].Perry county,5-17-14
Pileated Woodpecker [Dryocopus pileatus],holes.Schuylkill county,6-16-14