Butterflies 1
Spring Azure [Celastrina ladon] on Dogbane [ Apocynum cannabinum].Dauphin County,Pa.6-16-21
Spring Azure [Celastrina ladon] on Dogbane [ Apocynum cannabinum].Dauphin County,Pa.6-16-21
Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybele], on Dogbane [Apocynum cannabinum].Dauphin County,Pa.6-16-21
Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybele], on Dogbane [Apocynum cannabinum].Dauphin County,Pa.6-16-21
Pearly Crescentspot [Phyciodes tharos] Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Duskywing [Achlyodes mithridates].Dauphin County,Pa.10-2-20.
Female Common Checkered Skipper [Pyrgus communis].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20
Female Common Checkered Skipper [Pyrgus communis].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20
Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas].Tioga County,Pa.9-16-20
Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas] on Blue Mist Flower.Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Least Skipper [Ancyloxypha numitor]Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Least Skipper [Ancyloxypha numitor]Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Least Skipper [Ancyloxypha numitor]Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Dun Skipper [Euphyes vestris] on Blue Mistflower.Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Dun Skipper [Euphyes vestris] on Blue Mistflower.Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20.Notice the Crab Spider hunting at the top of picture.
Dun Skipper [Euphyes vestris] on Blue Mistflower.Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Pearly Crescentspot [Phyciodes tharos].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20.The largest Tailed Blue that I have ever seen,at least quadruple the size I normally see.
Male Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Buckeye [Junonia coenia] on Goldenrod [Solidado].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Buckeye [Junonia coenia] on Goldenrod [Solidado].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20.The same individual as pictured blow.
Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20.Same individual as pictured above.
Mating pair of Pearly Crescentspot [Phyciodes tharos].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Male Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Male Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-20
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-20
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus] on Joe-Pye Weed [Eutrochium].Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-20
Female Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-20
Female Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-20
Female Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-20
Female Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-20
Female Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon] on Wild Bergamot [Monarda fistulosa] .Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-20
Female Common Checkered Skipper [Pyrgus communis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Female Common Checkered Skipper [Pyrgus communis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Monarch [Danaus plexippus] on Joe-Pye weed [Eutrochium] Dauphin County,Pa..8-17-20
Spicebush Swallowtail [Pterourus troilus] on Thistle [Asteraceae].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20
Spicebush Swallowtail [Pterourus troilus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20
Spicebush Swallowtail [Pterourus troilus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20
Spicebush Swallowtail [Pterourus troilus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20
Pearly Crescentspot [phyciodes tharos].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
Eastern Tiger SwallowTail [Pterourus glaucus].on Wild Bergamot [Monarda fistulosa].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
Eastern Tiger SwallowTail [Pterourus glaucus].on Wild Bergamot [Monarda fistulosa].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
Female dark morph,Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20.
Female dark morph,Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20.
Female dark morph,Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20.
Female dark morph,Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20.
Female dark morph,Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-11-20.
Buckeye Butterfly [Junonia coenia].Luzerne County,Pa.8-4-20
Spicebush Swallowtail [Pterourus troilus] on Purple Fringeless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena].Pa.7-30-20
Monarch caterpillar [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-28-20
Monarch caterpillar [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-28-20
I believe this Spicebush Swallowtail must have had a run in with a predator,but seemed to be doing just fine.[Pterourus troilus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-20-20
A roosting male Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-20-20.At dark a few hours later he was still there.
A male Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-13-20
Wild Indigo Duskywing [Erynnis baptisiae].Dauphin County,Pa.4-28-20
Mating pair of Eastern Tailed Blues [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.9-16-19
Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybele].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus] on Dwarf Joe Pye weed.Schuylkill County,Pa.8-16-19
Buckeye [Junonia coenia].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Buckeye [Junonia coenia].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Four different Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Pearly Crescentspot [Phyciodes tharos].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Male Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Male Zabulon Skipper [Poanes zabulon].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Buckeye [Junonia coenia].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.8-24-19
Least Skipper [Ancyloxpha numitor].Dauphin County,Pa.8-15-19
Least Skipper [Ancyloxpha numitor].Dauphin County,Pa.8-15-19
Spicebush Swallowtail [Pterourus troilus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-20-19
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-21-19
Monarch butterfly caterpillar feeding on Milkweed [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-21-19
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-12-19
Spring Azure [Celastrina ladon].Dauphin County,Pa.7-12-19
My absolute favorite butterfly.The first time I saw a Common Wood Nymph with its wing open It took my breath away,I had never seen anything so beautiful!Another part of its appeal for me is it's a forest dweller feeding on tree sap and decaying matter.Dauphin County,Pa.7-12-19 [Cercyonis pegala]
My absolute favorite butterfly.The first time I saw a Common Wood Nymph with its wing open It took my breath away,I had never seen anything so beautiful!Another part of its appeal for me is it's a forest dweller feeding on tree sap and decaying matter.Dauphin County,Pa.7-12-19 [Cercyonis pegala]
Red Admiral [Vanessa atalanta].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-3-19
Red Admiral [Vanessa atalanta].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-3-19
Red-Spotted Purple [Limenitis arthemis].Tioga County,Pa.6-29-19
White Admiral [Basilarchia arthemis].Tioga County,Pa.6-29-19
The last thing I was expecting to on rainy,windy hike today was my first Spring Azure [Celastrina ladon].Schuylkill County,Pa.4-19-19
My first Butterfly of the year,the beautiful,amazing "Mourning Cloak" [Nymphalis antiopa].Hibernates in tree bark and rotting wood.Dauphin County,Pa.4-4-19
Eastern Tail Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.9-20-18
Eastern Tail Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.9-20-18
Two different Monarch Butterfly caterpillars [Danaus plexippus] eating Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.8-23-18
Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Eastern Tailed Blue [Everes comyntas].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Monarch's mating [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Monarch's mating [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-18
Monarch [Danaus plexippus] on Dwarf Joe Pye Weed [Eupatorium maculatum].Schuylkill County,Pa.8-17-18
A lone Monarch caterpillar [Danaus plexippus] on a lone Common Milkweed plant [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.8-18-18
Everybody likes Dwarf Joe Pye weed! [Eupatorium maculatum].Schuylkill County,Pa.8-17-18.Monarch [Danaus plexippus] & Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Pterourus glaucus].Schuylkill County,Pa.8-17-18
Monarch butterfly [Danaus plexippus] on Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.7-8-18
Edward's Hairstreak [Satyrium edwardsii].Dauphin County,Pa.7-1-18
First picture of a Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexippus] of the year,saw one three weeks ago in the same area but was unable to get a picture.Dauphin County,Pa.6-11-18
First picture of a Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexippus] of the year,saw one three weeks ago in the same area but was unable to get a picture.Dauphin County,Pa.6-11-18
It's not the greatest picture but it's the first butterfly of the year.Mourning Cloak [Nymphalis antiopa].On a cold windy 40 degree day.You just never know what you might see in nature!Dauphin County,Pa.3-26-18.Notice the small patch of snow.
Painted Lady [Vanessa cardui].Dauphin County,9-19-17
Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybele],on Goldenrod [Solidago] Dauphin County,9-24-17
Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybele].Dauphin County,9-24-17
Monarch [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,9-22-17.These pictures are for and dedicated to Amanda Wolfe and all those who so much to help this magnificent Butterfly!
Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexippus],on Dwarf Joe Pye Weed [Eopatorium dubium].Schuylkill County,8-25-17
Red Spotted Purple [Limenitis arthemis].Dauphin County,8-13-17
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [papilio glaucus].Dauphin County,8-21-17.On Joe-Pye Weed [Eupatorium maculatum]
Pearl Crescent [Phyciodes thraros].Dauphin County,8-19-17
Monarch Butterfly caterpillars [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin County,8-4-17
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus] on Turk's-cap-Lily [Lilium superbum].Dauphin County,8-6-17
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus],on Orange fringed orchid [Platanthera ciliars].Schuylkill County,8-1-17
Butterflies,Dauphin County,7-16-17.Monarch [Danaus plexippus],Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybele],Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus]
Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybeele].Dauphin County,7-9-17
Eastern Tailed Blue [Cupido comyntas].Dauphin County,6-24-17
Common Ringlet [Coenonympha tullia].Coos County,N.H.,9-9-16
Green Comma [Polygonia faunus].Coos County,N.H.,9-5 & 9-6-16
Eastern Tailed Blue [Cupido comyntas].Dauphin county,9-28-16
Clouded Sulphur [Colias philodice].Dauphin county,8-20-16
Cabbage Butterfly"Cabbage White" [Piers rapae]. Schuylkill county,9-21-08
Morning Cloak [Nymphalis antiopa].Coos county,N.H.,9-8-10
Buckeye [Precis coenia].Schuylkill county,9-29-11
Northern Pearly eye [Enodia anthedon].Dauphin county,6-15-14
Eastern Tailed Blue [Cupido comyntas].Dauphin county,8-6-16
Eastern Tailed Blue [Cupido comyntas].Dauphin county,8-6-16
Morning Cloak [Nymphalis antiopa].Coos county,N.H.,9-11-08
Spring Azure"Common Blue" [Celastrina argiolus],on bear dung.Dauphin county,3-31-16
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Papilio glaucus].Dauphin county,7-21-16
Eastern Black Swallowtail [Papilio polyxenes asterius].Schuylkill county,7-20-16
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Papilio glaucus].Dauphin county,7-21-16
Silver-Spotted Skipper [Epargyreus clarus].Dauphin county,7-21&27-16
Eastern Tailed Blue [Cupido comyntas].Dauphin County,7-22-16
Eastern Tailed Blue [Cupido comyntas].Dauphin county,7-22-16
Eastern Tailed Blue [Cupido comyntas].Dauphin county,7-22-16
Eastern Black Swallowtail [Papilio polyxenes asterius],feeding on Purple Coneflower [Echinacea].Schuylkill county,7-20-16
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus].Dauphin county,7-17&27-16
Monarch [Danaus plexippus].Dauphin&Schuylkill counties,7-17 & 22-16
Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybeele] feeding on Common milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin county,7-15 & 16-16
Common Wood Nymph [Cercyonis pegala].Centre county,7-3-16
White Admirals [Limenitis arthemis].Coos county,N.H. 7-7-15
White Admirals [Limenitis arthemis].Coos county, 7-7-15
Common Wood Nymph [Cercyonis pegala].Dauphin county & Schuylkill counties,7-8-10 & 8-2-14
Common Wood Nymph [Cercyonis pegala].Dauphin county,7-8-10
Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybele] [on Forget-me-not].Tioga County,6-10-10
Question Mark [Polygonia interrogationis].Schuylkill county,4-30-12
Mourning Cloak [Nymphalis antiopa].Dauphin county,4-10-14 Great Spangled Fritillary [Speyeria cybele]. Tioga county,9-13-13
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail [Papilio glaucus].Dauphin county,7-21-13