Jagged Ambush Bug [Phymata spp]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-30-24
Jagged Ambush Bug [Phymata spp]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-30-24
Assassin Bug [Pselliopus concurs]. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-3-24.
Red Footed Cannibalfly [Promachus rufipes]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-27-24
Mating Hover or Syrphid Flies [Syrphipae]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-23-24
Male Band-winged Meadowhawk (Sympetrum semicinctum). Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-23-24
I have often wondered what pollinates Indiangrass [Sorghastrum nutans], and after following many of these Tiny Hover or Syrphid Flies [Syrphipae] on the flowers of this grass, and reading that they are prolific pollinators, I guess I can wonder no more. In fact you can see tiny grains of pollen on its legs. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-20-24
Western Flower Thrip [Frankiniella occidentalis] on Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-17-24
Western Flower Thrip [Frankiniella occidentalis] on Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-17-24
Thick Headed fly [Stylogaster] on Butterfly Weed [Asclepias tuberosa]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-5-24
Thick Headed fly [Stylogaster] on Slender Mountain Mint [Pycanthemum tenuifolium]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-5-24
Male Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-25-24
Male Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-25-24
As I was taking pictures of Cow wheat seed pods this ant wasted no time in collecting this seed that had fallen to the ground, and dragging it into its underground burrow. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-5-24
Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-25-24
Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-25-24
Oriental Beetle [Anomala orientalis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-5-24
Marsh Fly (Euthycera arcuata] Luzerne County, Pa. 6-27-24
Marsh Fly (Euthycera arcuata] Luzerne County, Pa. 6-27-24
A Robber Fly [Asilidae] has caught a moth. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-1-24
Eastern Eyed Click Beetle [Alaus oculatus]. Adams County, Pa. 6-27-24
Bee Fly [Bombylius major], drinking nectar and in the act pollinating Trailing Arbutus [Epigaea repens]. Dauphin County, Pa. 4-14-24
Bee Fly [Bombylius major], drinking nectar and in the act pollinating Trailing Arbutus [Epigaea repens]. Dauphin County, Pa. 4-14-24
Spotted Nomad Bee [Nomada maculata] pollinating Dwarf Ginseng [Panax trifolius]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-6-24.
Leaf Footed Bug [Acanthocephala terinalis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-6-24
Spotted Nomad Bee [Nomada maculata] pollinating Dwarf Ginseng [Panax trifolius]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-6-24. Notice the tiny grains of pollen on the bee.
Bee Fly [Bombylius major], drinking nectar and in the act pollinating Trailing Arbutus [Epigaea repens]. Dauphin County, Pa. 4-14-24
Bee Fly [Bombylius major], drinking nectar and in the act pollinating Trailing Arbutus [Epigaea repens]. Dauphin County, Pa. 4-14-24
Bee Fly [Bombylius major], drinking nectar and in the act of pollinating Trailing Arbutus [Epigaea repens]. Dauphin County, Pa. 4-14-24
Miner Bee [Anthophora abrupta] pollinating Sharp Lobed Hepatica [Hepatica americana var. acuta]. Tioga County, Pa. 4-9-24. Notice the grains of pollen on its legs and face and antenna.
Robber Fly [Asilidae]. Schuylkill County, Pa.
Orange Belted\ Tri colored Bumblebee [Bombus ternarius]. Coos County, N.H.
Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle [Labidomera clivicollis]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 10-2-21
Male and Female Northern Walkingstick (Diapheromera femorata). Dauphin County, Pa.
The beautiful Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus]. Dauphin County, Pa. A female as you can see the ovipostitor
The beautiful Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus]. Dauphin County, Pa.
The beautiful Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus]. Dauphin County, Pa.
Mayfly Nymph [Ephemeroptera sp] . Coos County, N.H.
Mayfly Nymph [Ephemeroptera sp] . Coos County, N.H.
Chinese Mantis [Tenodera sinensis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23
Chinese Mantis [Tenodera sinensis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23
Chinese Mantis [Tenodera sinensis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23
A georgeous fall dragon fly, Female Common Green Darner [Anax junius]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23. Found well away from any water on a warm fall day. The easiest way to distinguish this dragon fly is the black “T” spot on the frons (forehead).
Male & Female Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23
Male & Female Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23
Male & Female Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23
Male & Female Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-27-23
Bumble Bee [Bombus] on Blue Wood Aster [Symphyotrichu cordifolium]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-11-23
Bumblebee [Bombus] and Sweat Bee [Augochlorella aurata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-3-23. Notice the hook like appendages on the end of the Bumblebees legs, used for crasping and holding on.
Bumblebee [Bombus] and Sweat Bee [Augochlorella aurata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-3-23
Bumblebee [Bombus] & Sweat Bee [Augochlorella aurata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-3-23
Bumblebee [Bombus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-3-23
Locust Borer [Megacyllene robiniae]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 9-23-23
Hickory Tussock Moth caterpillar [Lophocampa caryae]. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-22-23
Male Tinkling Ground Cricket [Allonembius tinnulus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-3-23
The most beautiful Bumblebee that I have ever photographed. Orange Belted\ Tri colored Bumblebee [Bombus ternarius]. Coos County, N.H.
The most beautiful Bumblebee that I have ever photographed. Orange Belted\ Tri colored Bumblebee [Bombus ternarius]. Coos County, N.H.
Female Short Winged Meadow Katydid [Conocrphalus brevipennis] on Blacked Eyed Susan [Rudbeckia hirta]. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-7-23. Notice those wonderful antenna! [above and below]
Female Shield Backed Katydid [Atlanticus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-31-23. Notice the ovipositor for egg laying.
Female Shield Backed Katydid [Atlanticus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-31-23. Notice the ovipositor for egg laying.
Sweat Bee [Augochlorella aurata] on Blue Mist Flower [Conoclinium coelestinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-29-23
Sweat Bee [Augochlorella aurata] on Blue Mist Flower [Conoclinium coelestinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-29-23. These two pictures above and below show that not only is the bee searching for nectar but also hunting for insects, as it is feeding on a tiny aphid it has found.
Sweat Bee [Augochlorella aurata] on Blue Mist Flower [Conoclinium coelestinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-29-23
Sweat Bee [Augochlorella aurata] on Blue Mist Flower [Conoclinium coelestinum]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-29-23
A busy Bald Face Hornet Nest [Dolichovespula maculata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-16-23
A colorful and beautiful Bald Faced Hornet [Dolichovespula maculata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-16-23. Notice the greens, browns and grey and white bands.
Spotted Nomad Bee [nomanda maculata] pollinating Wild sasaparilla [Aralia nudicaulis]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-9-23
Spotted Nomad Bee [Nomada maculata] pollinating Dwarf Ginseng [Panax trifolius]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-6-23
Spotted Nomad Bee [Nomada maculata] pollinating Dwarf Ginseng [Panax trifolius]. Dauphin County, Pa. 5-6-23
Crane Fly [Tipuloidea]. Perry County, Pa. 6-12-23
Bumble Bee [Bombus impatiens] on Narrow Leaved Mountain Mint [Pycnanthemum tenuifolium]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-3-23
Bumble Bee [Bombus impatiens] on Narrow Leaved Mountain Mint [Pycnanthemum tenuifolium]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-3-23
One of my favorite flowers is the tiny Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata], a cousin to the beautiful Cardinal Flower [Lobelia cardinalis] . I often wondered what could be pollinating this small beauty. While photographing this wildflower recently a tiny unfamiliar insect appeared going from flower to flower placing its proboscis deep into each flower. Looking like a tiny dragonfly this tiny insect , called a Thick Headed Fly [Stylogaster neglecta], a real beauty of the insect world. Is it a pollinator of lobelia inflata, I do not know but I would say there is definitely a high probability. Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-3-23
One of my favorite flowers is the tiny Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata], a cousin to the beautiful Cardinal Flower [Lobelia cardinalis] . I often wondered what could be pollinating this small beauty. While photographing this wildflower recently a tiny unfamiliar insect appeared going from flower to flower placing its proboscis deep into each flower. Looking like a tiny dragonfly this tiny insect , called a Thick Headed Fly [Stylogaster neglecta], a real beauty of the insect world. Is it a pollinator of lobelia inflata, I do not know but I would say there is definitely a high probability. Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-3-23
One of my favorite flowers is the tiny Indian Tobacco [Lobelia inflata], a cousin to the beautiful Cardinal Flower [Lobelia cardinalis] . I often wondered what could be pollinating this small beauty. While photographing this wildflower recently a tiny unfamiliar insect appeared going from flower to flower placing its proboscis deep into each flower. Looking like a tiny dragonfly this tiny insect , called a Thick Headed Fly [Stylogaster neglecta], a real beauty of the insect world. Is it a pollinator of lobelia inflata, I do not know but I would say there is definitely a high probability. Schuylkill County, Pa. 8-3-23
Female Luna Moth [Actias luna]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-11-23
This series of pictures shows the proboscis of Anageshna primordialis moth uncoiling in search of nectar in the spur of Platanthera obtusata. Coos County, N.H. 7-3-22
Heart Leaved Twayblade [Neottia cordata]. Northeast Pa. 5-1-23. I am always fascinated by spiders seemingly appearing out of nowhere to claim plants as there own, to set trapes to ensnare insects who are lured to plants by color, fragrance and scent with the promise of a sweet reward. The plant does this in hopes that the insect will inadvertently collect pollen from the inflorescence [flower] and pollinate the next flower. But spiders know this and take advantage of these insects and are waiting for a surprise of their own to ensnare these unknowing pollinators. Even on the tiniest of flowers like this Heart leaved Twayblade on the coldest of days, they are there and waiting. It is as if each plant has a spider made for it and is just waiting for it to spring up and they waste no time in setting their trap, a web. Another unique and mysterious relationship in the natural world. How do these individual spiders know just where the plants will appear? but somehow they do know and are always there and patiently waiting.
Unknown Diving Beatle from Tioga County, Pa. 4-3-23. Notice the pocket of air he carries on his back for breathing underwater, amazing! [Dytiscus]
Male Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-21-22
Male Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-21-22
Male Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-21-22
Male Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-21-22
Male Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 10-21-22
Female Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20. Notice the ovipositor for laying its eggs.
Courtship of the Snowy Tree Cricket [Oecanthus fultoni]. Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20.
Snowy Tree Cricket [Oecanthus fultoni].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20. Showing courtship
Snowy Tree Cricket [Oecanthus fultoni].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20. Notice the spermataphores at the end of the females [the one on top] abdomen. The male sticks them there.
September Whip-poor-will and Katydids. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-15-22. Turn up the sound!
The beautiful sound of Tinkling ground Cricket [Allonemobius tinnulus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 9-30-22
Orange Fringed Orchid [Platanthera ciliaris]. Southeast, Pa. 7-31-22. Unknown bee, pictured above and blow, on the same flower. Not the pollinator for this orchid, but notice the pollen from an unknown flower on its feet in the picture above seems to disappear by the picture below as the unknown pollen falls off. The tiny things that we that never see, never fails to fascinate.
Wolf Spider carrying her young [Lycosidae]. Dauphin County, Pa. 6-10-22
Caddis Fly Nymphs in their houses made of leaf bits and tiny stones. North Central Pa., 4-25-22
The giant mandibles of a Bald Faced Hornet [Dolichouespula maculata]. Used for chewy soft wood and, mixed with saliva, makes the beautiful paper mache like nest.
A fertilized queen Bald Faced Hornet [Dolichouespula maculata]. After spending the winter hibernating in rotted wood, this queen is waking up on a warm day and ready to start her new colony. Dauphin County, Pa. 3-19-22
A fertilized queen Bald Faced Hornet [Dolichouespula maculata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 3-19-22
A fertilized queen Bald Faced Hornet [Dolichouespula maculata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 3-19-22
A fertilized queen Bald Faced Hornet [Dolichouespula maculata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 3-19-22
A fertilized queen Bald Faced Hornet [Dolichouespula maculata]. After spending the winter hibernating in rotted wood, this queen is waking up on a warm day and ready to start her new colony. Dauphin County, Pa. 3-19-22
Witch Hazel Cone Gall Aphid [Hormaphis hamamelidis] has laid its eggs between the leaf structure of a Common Witch Hazel [Hamamelis virginiana], leaf creating these unusual galls. Dauphin County, Pa.
Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle [Labidomera clivicollis]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 10-2-21
Grape Leafhopper [Erythroneura comes] on Nodding Ladies' Tresses [Spiranthes cernua]. North Central Pennsylvania. 9-6-21
Mosquito on Pad Leaved Orchid Flower [Platanthera orbiculata]. Coos County,N.H. 7-6-21
Brood X Cicada [Magacicada septendecim]. Perry County, Pa.5-31-21
Brood X Cicada [Magacicada septendecim] Perry County, Pa.5-31-21
Snow fleas by the millions.Dauphin County,Pa.12-21-20.Actually springtails [Hypogastrura nivicola].You can see them moving.
The beautiful sound of Tinkling Ground Cricket [Allonemobius tinnulus].Perry County,Pa.10-8-20
Mating Walking sticks [Diapheromera femorata].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20.
Mating Walking sticks [Diapheromera femorata].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20
Mating Walking sticks [Diapheromera femorata].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20.
Lesser Angle Winged Katydid [Microcentrum retinerve].Dauphin County,Pa.9-12-20
Snowy Tree Cricket [Oecanthus fultoni].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20.On Spotted Bee Balm.
Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20.
Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20.
Red Headed Bush Cricket [Phyllopalpus pulchellus].Dauphin County,Pa.10-1-20.
Honeybee on White snakeroot [Eupatorium rugosum].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Female Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid [Conocephalus strictus].Tioga County,Pa.9-16-20.Notice the long ovipositor for laying eggs
Bumblebee [Bombus] on Tall Goldenrod [Solidago altissima].Tioga County,Pa.9-15-20
Bumblebee [Bombus] gathering nectar on Pink Turtlehead [Chelone lyonii].Schuylkill County,Pa.9-19-20.Please notice the pollen on its legs.
Wild Honey Bee [Apis mellifera] with pollen sacs [on its legs] on Lanced Leaved Goldenrod [Solidago graminifolia].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Female Angular-winged Katydid [Microcentrum retinerve].Dauphin County,Pa.9-11-20.Please notice the ovipositor for laying eggs.
Nine-spotted Ladybug [Coccinella novemnotata franciscana].Dauphin County,Pa.9-6-20
Nebraska Conehead Katydid [Neoconocephalus nebrascensis].The buzzing sound in the foreground with True Katydids in the background [Pterophylla camellifolia]
Chinese Mantis [Tenodera sinensis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20
Chinese Mantis [Tenodera sinensis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-20-20I know most folks don't like them and I wish they weren't here,but they are and we introduced them and here they will stay.I always enjoy seeing them,especially when their head swivels around to look at you,just like a person.An unbelievable predator.
Chinese Mantis [Tenodera sinensis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
Chinese Mantis [Tenodera sinensis].Dauphin County,Pa.8-17-20
Giant Ichneumon wasp [Megarhyssa macrurus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-28-20.The following is from wikipedia"Megarhyssa macrurus, is a species of large ichneumon wasp. It is a parasitoid, notable for its extremely long ovipositor which it uses to deposit an egg into a tunnel in dead wood bored by its host, the larva of a similarly large species of horntail. Another of its common names is stump stabber referring to this behaviour."
A immature female Forked Tailed Bush Katydid [Scudderia furcata],feeding on DogBane seed pod.Dauphin County,Pa.7-27-20
Bumble Bee [Bombus] on Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.7-20-20
Bumble Bee [Bombus] on Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin County,Pa.7-20-20
Dogbane Leaf Beetle [Chrysochus auratus].Dauphin County,Pa.7-4-20
The molt skin of an annual cicada on Larch tree.Dauphin County,Pa.11-10-19.
Sandhills Hornets nest [Vespula arenaria].Schuylkill County,Pa.7-26-19
Giant Root Borer [Prionus spp.] Dauphin County,Pa.7-12-19.
May Fly,March Brown.Montour County,Pa.4-17-19
Harris' Diving Beetle [Dytiscus harrisii].Coos county,N.H.,9-2-18.Voracious predators,eating small fish and tadpoles.Adult beetles can live 3 years or more
Harris' Diving Beetle [Dytiscus harrisii].Coos county,N.H.,9-2-18.Voracious predators,eating small fish and tadpoles.Adult beetles can live 3 years or more
I caught several 5+ old Marbled larvae and in the net was a beautiful Green Sedge Caddisfly larvae [Phryganeidea],so I put them in the photographic tank together.The one marbled larvae [on left] already had a damaged tail,the Caddis fly larvae immediately attacked the the larvae at the damaged point cutting the tail in half and proceeded in eating the larvae was a horrible thing to witness.It all happened so quickly,I got the fly larvae away from the salamander larvae and he seemed okay [even missing part of his tail] and placed him back in the pool,it swam away.It's almost like the fly larvae knew exactly where to strike the larvae [at the damaged point].I think it's safe to say that these larvae attack and pray on Marbled larvae.Dauphin County,Pa.4-20-18
Mantid eggs,I believe them to be Chinese Mantid [Tenodera aridifolia].Dauphin County,1-20-18.I like to say they are still there but the tracks in the snow told the whole story,a turkey picked them off!
A beautiful Damselfly nymph,notice the 3 feather-shaped gills at the end of the abdomen.Dauphin County,2-27-18
Potter Wasp [Eumenes fraternus].Female builds spherical chamber of mud on a twig or branch.1 egg is attached to the wall or placed near the opening.Anesthetized caterpillar or sawfly larva is placed inside as foot for wasp larva.each chamber is sealed with mud pellet,and is totally resistant to rain.Young wasp cuts exit hole from inside.Dauphin County,12-21-17
Chinese Mantid [Tenodera aridifolia].Schuylkill County,10-4-17
Tri Colored Bumble [Bombus ternarius].Coos County,N.H.9-9-17
Woodland -Meadow Katydid [Conocephalus nemoralis].Dauphin County,8-21-17-makes a wonderful summer sound for anyone who wants to look it up!
Northern Walking Sticks [Diapheromera femorata.Dauphin County,8-13-17
True Katydid "Northern Katydid" [Pterophylla camellifolia].Dauphin County,8-13-17
Dogbane Leaf Beetle [Chrysochus auratus].Dauphin County,8-6-17
Juvenile Praying Mantis [Mantis religiosa].Dauphin County,7-9-17
A young mated [fertilized] female Bald-faced Hornet [Vespula maculata].She hollowed out a chamber in a rotted log where she will overwinter and start a new colony in the spring.Dauphin County,11-8-16
Drone Fly [Eristalis].Coos County,N.H.,9-5-16
Brown Daddy-long-legs [Phalangium opilio].Coos County,N.H.,9-6-16
Large Milkweed Bug [Oncopeltus fasciatus].Emerged from its exoskeleton,seen in the last picture.Dauphin county,10-4-16
Large Milkweed Bug and Juveniles [Oncopeltus fasciatus].Dauphin county,9-28-16.It is a true Bug.
Harris' Diving Beetle [Dytiscus harrisii].Coos county,N.H.,9-9-16.Voracious predators,eating small fishes and tadpoles.Adult beetles can live 3 years or more.
Wild European Honey Bee [Apis mellifera] hive,in a White Oak Tree [Quercus alba].Gettysburg National Battlefield,Adams county,10-23-11
Golden Northern Bumble Bee [Bombus fevidus],Feeding on Northern hybrid Ladies'-tresses [Spiranthes xborealis],orchid.Coos county,N.H.,9-10-09
Large Milkweed Bug [Oncopeltus fasciatus],mating.Dauphin county,8-20-16
True Katydid"Northern Katydid" [Pterophylla camellifolia].Dauphin county,8-15-14
Eastern Dobsonfly [Corydalus cornutus].Dauphin county,6-25-11.Dobsonfly larvae are known as "Hellgrammites.
Bald-faced Hornet [Vespula maculata].Mahantongo Valley,Schuylkill county,12-6-15
Two-striped Grasshopper [Melanopplus bivittatus],female.Dauphin county,6-16-14
Northern Walkingstick [Diapheromera femorata].Dauphin county,10-6-11
Oleander"Milkweed"Aphids [Aphis nerii].Dauphin county,7-17-16
Praying Mantis"European Mantid" [Mantis religiosa].Schuylkill county,8-16-13
Brown Daddy-long-legs [Phalangium opilio] & Periodical Cicadas [Magiciada].Schuylkill county,6-15-13
Katydid nymph [Scudderia],on Pad leaved orchid [Platanthera orbiculata].Schuylkill county,6-4-13
Katydid nymph [Scudderia],on Pad leaved orchid [Platanthera orbiculata].Schuylkill county,6-15-13
Robber Fly [Laphria posticata].Dauphin county,8-6-16
Chinese mantid [Tenodera aridifolia],eating a Bee.Schuylkill county,8-17-08
Chinese Mantid [Tenodera aridifolia],eating a bee.Schuylkill county,8-17-08
Peridoical Cicada [magiciada],larvae,and emerging from nymphal skin.Dauphin county,5-22-13
Carpenter Bee [Xylocopa virginica].Dauphin county,7-22-16
Wild European Honey Bee [Apis mellifera],feeding on Common Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca].Dauphin county,7-17-16
Assassin Stinkbug,caught a European Honey Bee [Apis mellifera].Dauphin County,7-7-16
Dung Beetle [Scarabaeoidea].Dauphin county,7-7-16
Common Water Strider"Skater"[Gerris remigis],and his shadow.Coos county,N.H. 9-4-15
Common water Strider"Skater"[Gerris remigis],and his shadow.Coos county,N.H. 9-4-15
Northern Walking Stick [Diapheromera femorata] out of its nymphal skin [seen hanging from leaf].Dauphin,county,8-7-15
Periodical cicadas [Magiciada],mating and laying eggs.Dauphin county,6-15-13
Periodical Cicadas [Magiciada],emerging from nymphal skin.Dauphin county,6-6-14
Sandhills Hornet [Vespula arenaria] nest.Dauphin county,7-14-13
Broad Necked Root Borer [Prionus laticollis].Dauphin County,7-24-09