Platanthera peramoena [pollination & insect interaction]
A pollinarium has been removed from the anther sack of Platanthera peramoena and is now stuck to the spur of a flower. Also an unknown spider can be seen hunting on P. peramoena. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24
Close up of the anther sack and the pollinarium contained within. Also notice the large viscidium at the tip on the anther sack [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24
Close up of the flower of Platanthera peramoena showing the nectary opening and the anther sacks. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus] on Purple Fringless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus] on Purple Fringless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus] on Purple Fringless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24. This was the first time that I was able to capture pollinaria from P. peramoena on a butterfly.
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus] showing a single pollinarium stuck to its right eye, on Purple Fringless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24. This was the first time that I was able to capture pollinaria from P. peramoena on a butterfly.
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus] on Purple Fringless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus] on Purple Fringless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24
Spicebush Swallowtail [Papilio troilus] on Purple Fringless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-24-24
Notice in this picture both viscidium "tabs" have been removed from the anther sacs, but not enough to remove the pollinarium. Most likely from a Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly [Papilio troilus] or Hummingbird Clearwing Moth [Hemaris thysbe], known pollinators of Platanthera peramoena. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-3-20
Unknown pollinator hairs stuck in the stigmatic fluid. Purple Fringeless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena].
Pollinia attached to the stigma on Purple Fringeless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena].
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth [Hemaris thysbe] known pollinator of Purple Fringeless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-13-20
Known pollinators of Purple Fringeless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly [Papilio troilus]. Dauphin County, Pa. 8-3-20. Hopefully its eye will come into contact with viscidium and when leaving will pull out the pollinarium. And when visiting the next flower the pollinia will bush against the stigma [the female part of the flower], the thus pollination will be achieved
Known pollinators of Purple Fringeless Orchid [Platanthera peramoena]. Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly [Papilio troilus] and Hummingbird Clearwing Moth [Hemaris thysbe]. Also pictured pollinia stuck on the stigma and unknown pollinator hairs stuck in the stigmatic fluid.