Platanthera orbiculata [pollination & insect interaction]
Ant on Platanthera orbiculata. Tioga County, Pa. 7-5-24
Ant on Platanthera orbiculata. Tioga County, Pa. 7-5-24
Unknown caterpillar on Platanthera orbiculata. Tioga County, Pa. 7-5-24
Mosquito on Pad leaved Orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. Cass County, Mn. 7-13-24
Mosquito on Pad leaved Orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. Cass County, Mn. 7-13-24
Fabulous pictures [the three pictures above] from friend Stephen Rannels showing a Syrphid or Hover fly [Toxomerus] feeding on the pollinia as the pollinarium has been removed from the anther sack, most likely from a moth at night. Notice the grains of pollen [pollinium] that is covering the stigma as this flower from a Pad Leaved Orchid [Platanthera orbiculata] has been successfully pollinated. Thank you to Steve for allowing the use of these incredible pictures!
Close up picture of the viscidium on Platanthera orbiculata
These three picture shows how pollination occurs in the Pad Leaved Orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. In the first two pictures you can see the two anther sacks containing the pollinarium, looking like drum sticks. Also in picture two, a close up of the tip of the anther sack you can see what is known as the viscidium which is sticky. When an insect visits the flower, in the case of the Pad Leaved Orchid a moth [Autographa ampla, the large looper moth and Diachrysia balluca the green-patched looper are known pollinators] at night, inserts its proboscis deep into spur through the nectary opening. In doing so the moths eye comes into contact with with viscidium, when the moth flies away in pulls the pollinarium out of the anther sack, which you can see in picture three, the pollinarium has been removed from the anther sack of the right. When the moth enters the next flower with the pollinarium stuck to its eye, it brushes pollina on the stigma which is above the nectary opening, and thus pollination has been achieved.
A spider has shed its exoskeleton on a Pad leaved orchid flower [Platanthera orbiculata]. Adams County, Pa. 6-9-24
Candy Striped spider [Enoplognatha ovata] using a Platanthera orbiculata for hunting, has caught an unknown beetle. Coos County, N. H.
Candy Striped spider [Enoplognatha ovata] using a Platanthera orbiculata for hunting, has caught an unknown beetle. Coos County, N. H.
Candy Striped spider [Enoplognatha ovata] using a Platanthera orbiculata for hunting, has caught an unknown beetle. Coos County, N. H.
Close up of the anther sacs containing Pollinarium, If you look close you can see the tiny grains of pollinia which are made up of many massulae, which in turn are made up of tiny grains of pollen masses that are bound together by viscid threads. Pad Leaved Orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22
Close up of the anther sacs containing Pollinarium, Pad Leaved Orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22
Close up of the anther sacs containing Pollinarium, If you look close you can see the tiny grains of pollinia which are made up of many massulae, which in turn are made up of tiny grains of pollen masses that are bound together by viscid threads. Pad Leaved Orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22
Close up of the viscidium [foot] at the end [tip] of the pollinarium that has been pulled loose by an unknown pollinator. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22. The viscidium would normally attach to the eye of a moth. When moth pulls its proboscis out of the nectary [spur] and then upon leaving the flower, would pull the pollinarium out of the ather sack. Large looper Moth [Autographa ampla] & Green Patched Looper [Diachrysia balluca] are known pollinators of this orchid.
Mosquito & Fly on Platanthera orbiculata. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22. Mosquitos & fly are not a known pollinators of this orchid.
Yellow Spotted Webworm moth [Anageshna primordialis] on Platanthera orbiculata. Coos County, N.H. 7-5-22. Yellow Spotted Webworm Moth is not a known pollinator of this orchid.
Mosquito on Platanthera orbiculata. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22. Mosquitos are not a known pollinators of this orchid.
Euthycera chaerophylli on Pad Leaved orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22. Euthycera chaerophylli is not a pollinator of this orchid.
Euthycera chaerophylli on Pad Leaved orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22. Euthycera chaerophylli is not a pollinator of this orchid.
Euthycera chaerophylli on Pad Leaved orchid [Platanthera orbiculata]. Coos County, N.H. 7-13-22. Euthycera chaerophylli is not a pollinator of this orchid.