Platanthera clavellata [pollination & insect interaction]
Unknown insect on Platanthera clavellata. Tioga County, Pa. 7-5-24
Club Spur Orchid [Platanthera clavellata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-27-22. The two dark areas side by side deep in the throat of the flower in this picture show the anthers caps where the pollen is stored for these particular flowers. These flowers are considered to be self pollinating, but insects can and go explore these flowers and do move pollen between plants.
Unknown insect on Club Spur Orchid [Platanthera clavellata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-27-22.
Mosquito insect on Club Spur Orchid [Platanthera clavellata]. Dauphin County, Pa. 7-27-22.
Club Spur Orchid [Platanthera clavellata]. Tioga County, Pa. 7-29-21. The two dark areas parallel to each other in the throat of the flower show the anther caps where the pollen is stored for these particular flowers. These flowers are considered to be self pollinating, but insects can and go explore these flowers and do move pollen between plants.