Aplectrum hyemale [Putty-Root Orchid]
The wonderful purples, greens and yellows of the Putty Root [Aplectrum hyemale]. Perry County, Pa. 5-17-24
The wonderful purples greens and yellows of the Putty Root [Aplectrum hyemale]. Perry County, Pa. 5-17-24
Putty Root Orchid in fall [Apectrum hyemale]. Perry County, Pa, 10-21-23
The beautiful yellows and purples of Putty Root orchid [Aplestrum hyemale] Perry County, Pa. 5-19-23.
Putty Root orchid [Aplectrum hyemale]. Perry County, Pa. 5-19-23
Putty Root [Apectrum hyemale]. Central Pa. 5-21-22
Putty Root [Apectrum hyemale]. Central Pa. 5-21-22
Putty Root [Apectrum hyemale]. Central Pa. 5-21-22
Putty Root [Apectrum hyemale]. Central Pa. 5-21-22
Putty Root [Apectrum hyemale]. Central Pa. 5-21-22
Putty Root [Apectrum hyemale]. Central Pa. 5-21-22
Putty Root [Apectrum hyemale]. Central Pa. 5-21-22
Putty Root [Aplectrum hyemale]. Perry County, Pa. 5-31-21
Putty Root [Aplectrum hyemale]. Perry County, Pa. 5-31-21
Brood X cicada climbed to the top of this Putty Root Orchid to emerge leaving this exoskeleton behind. [Aplectrum hyemale]. Perry County, Pa. 5-31-21
The beautiful Putty-root orchid [Aplectrum hyemale].Perry County,Pa.5-31-18
The beautiful Putty-root orchid [Aplectrum hyemale].Perry County,Pa.5-31-18
The beautiful Putty-root orchid [Aplectrum hyemale].Perry County,Pa.5-31-18
The beautiful Putty-root orchid [Aplectrum hyemale].Perry County,Pa.5-31-18
Putty-root orchid [Aplectrum hyemale].Perry County,5-21-17
Aplectrum hyemale [Putty-Root Orchid].Perry county,5-10-15 & 5-22-15
Aplectrum hyemale.Perry county,5-22-15
Aplectrum hyemale.Perry county,5-22-15