Platanthera ciliaris [yellow form]
Unusual yellow form of the Orange Fringed Orchid [Platanthera ciliars]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-23-24. The first year [2022] I notice one plant with this coloration at this spot, last year [2023] there were three plants, again at this same location, this year [2024] there are two plants again at the same location. They are striking, especially when compared to the orange plants. Usually this coloration is associated with with hybridization with the Northern White Fringed Orchid [Platanthera blephariglottis] and it becomes Platanthera x bicolor, but in this instance there are no known P. blephariglottis in the area, but perhaps historically. Thse particular plants, always in the same area [spot], are with the normal colored P. ciliaris and are considered just a different variation in color.
Platanthera ciliars [yellow form]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-19-24
Platanthera ciliars [yellow form]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-19-24
Platanthera ciliars [yellow form]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-19-24
Platanthera ciliars [yellow form]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-19-24
Yellow form of the Orange Fringed Orchid [Platanthera ciliars]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-23-24.
Yellow form of the Orange Fringed Orchid [Platanthera ciliars]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-23-24.
Unusual yellow form of the Orange Fringed Orchid [Platanthera ciliars]. Schuylkill County, Pa. 7-23-24. The first year [2022] I notice one plant with this coloration at this spot, last year [2023] there were three plants, again at this same location, this year [2024] there are two plants again at the same location. They are striking, especially when compared to the orange plants. Usually this coloration is associated with with hybridization with the Northern White Fringed Orchid [Platanthera blephariglottis] and it becomes Platanthera x bicolor, but in this instance there are no known P. blephariglottis in the area, but perhaps historically. Thse particular plants, always in the same area [spot], are with the normal colored P. ciliaris and are considered just a different variation in color.