Neottia convallarioides [pollination & insect interaction]
These incredible three pictures below From John Gange show a Fungus Gnat having pollinia that have attached themselves to its back. First pictures of the pollinator of Neottia convallarioides. New Hampshire ,July 3, 2024 [These pictures have been cropped and brightened for more detail]
This set of incredible pictures shows for the first time the pollinator of Neottia convallarioides taken by John Gange! Notice the pollinia has attached itself to the back of this Fungus Gnat, after the gnat, having brushed its back against against the pollinia at the end of the column. Hopefully while visting a future flower the Fungus Gnat will bush the pollinia aganist the underside of the column where the stigma is located, and pollination will be successfully completed. Thank you to John for allowing he use of these amazing pictures! New Hampshire, July 3, 2024.
Fungus Gnat on Neottia convallarioides, a known pollinator. Coos County, N.H. 7-12-15